According to Merriam-Webster dictionary - both are perfectly acceptable pronunciations.
Click on the little speaker icons.
For what it's worth - I pronounce it in the B form.
As in Deicide.
Dayicide? I don't think so.
Day - uh- tea
Also, be careful with who you call an 'idtiot'.
Dayicide? I don't think so.
well. i speak the queens english, sooooooooooo as far as i'm concerned you're all wrong as izzard said, you say aluminum, we say alluminium, you say thru and we say through, and you say 'urbs and we say Herbs; BECAUSE THERE'S A FUCKING H IN IT.
all good fun.
Hey, you know what other one gets me? When people write "u" instead of "you" - LEARN TO SPELL!