How do you really feel about cops?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
I got pulled over today for crossing the median on the highway lol. I was hoping for a warning but no way. The guy wasn't in a friendly mood at all but I thought, ya know what...this dude obviously takes his job seriously, and he didn't treat me unfairly, so fuck it. I have a court summons but I'm gonna plead guilty and just pay the 150 bucks. I respected his professionalism. So all day I've been thinking ......cops.....they really that bad...? Some of them are assholes for sure but most of them, not really...
I respect them when what they are doing is really "protecting and serving" - unfortunately this is often not the case- as Ozz said, 90% of their capacity if revenue collection. Also, the major problem with police aggression is the departments have taken to hiring ex-military types. While this problem is certainly overstated in the media it would all but cease if we went back to hiring Andy Griffith types as basic officers. Ex-military should only be swat team response type teams, NOT traffic cops.
I don't like them tbh,mainly because I know of a few who have abused their power and/or were bullied at school and wanted authority in adulthood and I know of cases where people close to me have had dealings with them where the cop took matters into their own hands rather than doing their job like they were supposed to.
I got pulled over today for crossing the median on the highway lol. I was hoping for a warning but no way. The guy wasn't in a friendly mood at all but I thought, ya know what...this dude obviously takes his job seriously, and he didn't treat me unfairly, so fuck it. I have a court summons but I'm gonna plead guilty and just pay the 150 bucks. I respected his professionalism. So all day I've been thinking ......cops.....they really that bad...? Some of them are assholes for sure but most of them, not really...

You have to go to court for that? Wouldn't you just pay the ticket?
I've heard enough stories of people being shot down for no reason to be wary of American cops if I should ever visit.

Canadian officers aren't too bad. As long as you are dealing with O.P.P. and not town cops.
I've dealt with some ex-military cops and they were fine (although possibly had something to do with my own military background). The worst seems to be the wannabe who actually didn't do anything but go to a BLE course at the local community college or whatever.
The police here are fine.

Ignoring those that seem to hold the police themselves responsible for their lack of resources, people that hate them always seem to be dickheads.
There are good cops and bad cops, and sometimes those are the same cops on different days of the week. I evaluate them on a case by case basis like any other person I encounter.
There is bad cops and good cops. I have a DWI with a suspended license and a warrant, but even then cops have never really been dicks to me or intimidated me. If you get yourself in shit or have to deal with authority it is and it is your your own fault. Cops deal with domestic shit all the time, cops have to. It is their job.
I know cops and they're just dudes trying to make a living. Often they really do want to protect and serve, and I am most assuredly one of those people who will buy any officer a beer, any time. Especially at this tense time in our nation.
I view them as I view the rest of the human race - with apathy and ambivalence. There are good ones and bad ones. My dad was a federal agent for over 20 years and an MP in the Army for seven years. He got federal agent of the year one year for leading an investigation against the Russian mafia here in Los Angeles, whose don (I guess you'd say) lived two miles away from us and put a hit on him. He's had guns to his head, people try to run him over...he's also had his gun to others' heads. He's put away child pornographers, dope runners, identity thieves, you name it. I've gone to both prison and jail with him and talked to murderers that he knows (one of them makes belt buckles for him). Obviously my opinion is colored, but I knew him and his co-workers personally, and 99.9% of them were good people. The ones who were shitheads were shit upon by everybody else

The problem with a lot of police (different from other enforcement agencies) is a lot of them only require a few months of training and passing some tests. Some don't require a college degree. You do get these hotshot assholes who want to be Judge Dredd and forget that their duty is to protect and serve the community.
I don't like them tbh,mainly because I know of a few who have abused their power and/or were bullied at school and wanted authority in adulthood and I know of cases where people close to me have had dealings with them where the cop took matters into their own hands rather than doing their job like they were supposed to.

Yea but that's what I am trying to point out. It's illogical to say you don't like cops because you "know a few who have..." blah blah blah.
WV state troopers have a pretty good reputation here. Town cops are where the trouble lies. Fat slobs that used to be janitors given a gun and a badge..l
I think a lot of people forget that police are human just like us dopes. There are cops who are amazing and compassionate, and there are cops who are bitter and jerks. Luckily on a whole, more are the former, but the media and people in general are going to remember the crappy ones vs. the ones just out there working under the radar and just doing their jobs.

At the same time, their jobs are also one of the more dangerous lines of work you can get into no matter where you live. That can get pretty stressful! Some people forget that when they hear about these cops shootings that happen Most of the time these shooting happen while someone is not complying or they're being complete assholes, not that that means they deserve to get SHOT, but cops have to assume the worst for their own safety.

As far as getting a ticket - sometimes if you go to court, and the cop doesn't show, your case will get dropped and you won't have a record. Or, just talk to the cop if there is a lesser charge that can be had. A lot of times they will work with you (especially if you catch them on a better day!).