Vintersorg - I mean, how can he just come out with new albums every few months with any band? It seemd the only thing slowing him down are the recording sessions?!
Very much would like to see an answer here, from Mr. V prefferably, I mean, do you sit on toilet half day philosophying with yourself, considering the possibilites of physics and cosmic? Do you need any special mood to write lyrics, or just write them anytime you got time? It would seem to one you are such a thing like the focal point of creativity
Do you read any material on modern physics or such, or just ponder and build up your very own perspective of the cosmos in every song? (In that, case - would you start an own science - a nice blend of blend of modern science and olden ways?? - Well, any stuff today has it's science - look at all the Tolkinologists and such! And your songs hold much stuff to discuss about
). I can't imagine you just sitting there - "Right! Next week there's that new album... maybe I should start writing some lyrics by now!"
You just write lyrics, poems and such all the time and just pick some out of it and say "THAT'S gonna become a song!", or how?
I bet people used to say you are gonna be someone very intelligent later in life when you were still in first class or early in school
- Remember Einstein and his math lessons 
Sorry if my expressions get a little blurry, if someone can narrow my point somehow, please do it!!
Very much would like to see an answer here, from Mr. V prefferably, I mean, do you sit on toilet half day philosophying with yourself, considering the possibilites of physics and cosmic? Do you need any special mood to write lyrics, or just write them anytime you got time? It would seem to one you are such a thing like the focal point of creativity

You just write lyrics, poems and such all the time and just pick some out of it and say "THAT'S gonna become a song!", or how?
I bet people used to say you are gonna be someone very intelligent later in life when you were still in first class or early in school

Sorry if my expressions get a little blurry, if someone can narrow my point somehow, please do it!!
