How does it all end


Nov 18, 2003
Dark side of the moon
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First thing HAPPY NEW YEAR :hotjump: :Spin: :hotjump: :Spin:

Hope everyones not too hung over.

Now to my question. Ive spent the last few days pouring over interviews about the whole nightigale story up to Alive again. this part I get.
Its just the end of the last cd that throws me. If I'm following this right, up to and including the track eternal sees the gypsy woman die, and the spirits having to find someone too look after the child. At the end of eternal the boy has grown up. he has the gift to enter the shadow land (which is either the world of dreams or souls), and fights the shadow man.

What i want to know is does the shadowman beat the boy causing him to die.
Also in the last song is the child in the coma the same boy from the storyline(if so who the hell is the gypsy woman) who is in a coma because he lost.
Or is the last song hinting that all this has started all over again with another boy hanging himself.
Any help is appreciated as I have read all interviews posted on this site, and this part still eludes me. :wave:
It's just that the boy has been dreaming everything since Still In The Dark. He's been in this coma state all the way since I and now we're returning to the real world in the last songs on Alive Again. The kid is dying and the gypsy woman is next to his hospital bed,telling him all these "bedtime stories" through which he imagines/dreams I [though this was maybe just in the forest when he fell into coma],The Breathing Shadow,The Closing Chronicles and a good measure of Alive Again.
You don't really get to know what's killing him though when he screams [in Forever And Never] in real life...I think it sounds a little weird having a coma patient screaming all of the sudden,but the story isn't bullet-proof anyway. ;)
I'm not really all too sure about what to say to the first half of Alive Again though,since I don't have the album and have refused to read the lyrics before I buy it...