How does Vertabrae hold up to previous Enslaved albums?

I've never completely understood the Enslaved hype. I mean, they can usually write some good heavy stuff, but essentially every attempt of theirs at soft music with clean vocals is a bland yawnfest.

I still think their Prog-Black days were the best. The thing that gets me about enslaved is their chords. After discovering Opeth i didn't think i'd find a band that could continuously impress me with complex chord structures but enslaved always did. I thought those days were done with Ruun, but clouds kind of peaked my interest. Too bad the rest of the album didn't stand out (to me at least). When i think of enslaved i think of the first part of Convoy To Nothingness that just has the one guitar with distortion, the end section of Enemy I. I've just been impressed by the desolation they express with some of their chords. No other band does that for me right now.

Their new Prog direction is good, but doesn't really stand out in any way. I think its harder for a band to write unique prog-black metal than just regular prog. Obviously thats not what they're interested in, but its what i'm interested in. As for their clean passages i'd agree that they aren't up to par with opeth's even though the bands are trying to accomplish different things. I like their folk chant songs i think those are executed well. The clean part of the intro to the crossing is killer. I don't like any of the post BTL clean parts, the ones i can think of right now are kind of cheesy.
Theres not much clean, and theres a bit of spoken word like in Goatwhore - Funeral Dirge. Cromelch Gate is the only song that has extensive clean sections that i actually like

oh and floating diversity.

Speaking of this album again, does anyone know the tuning for Cromelch and Enemy I? I'd been using their C# Standard with the C# dropped to B for cromelch and it works out for the whole song, but i can't figure out if Enemy I is a 7 string or a different dropped tuning. There seems to be a bunch of open notes towards the end.
wow, this is kinda cool. just gave vertebrae a full spin for the first time (first enslaved experience for me also). was really surprised (in a good way) by the prog rock influences, rly cool fresh sounding metal this is!
It's funny how different everyone's opinions are on which albums are the best. That, to me, is the sign of a good band; when all the albums are good, but different. Much like Opeth. Some like MAYH, others like GR, and so on. It all comes down to personal taste on which is the 'best'.

Ruun > Vertabrae > Below the Lights > Isa > Monumension Those are all I have, so I can't continue the rankings.