How Famous Bodom are? And where you all fans are from?

I'm from Poland in Europe! Ha and i didn't miss the only Children Of Boodm concert on the Mystic Festival 2001 i Krakow! :)
Gave them roses?? uh dunno.. I only know she told jani strange finnish sentences about elk dicks or something.. uhh.. wellwell .. :p it feels like im not helping much ;)

Anyway, see you there this summer perhaps! at least in flames will be there :)
Originally posted by Wookiss
I'm from Poland in Europe! Ha and i didn't miss the only Children Of Boodm concert on the Mystic Festival 2001 i Krakow! :)

Ta, niemo¿e byæ, pierwszy polak na cob'skim forum. Zajebiœcie :D
Stary sk¹d jestes? Bo ja z wawy i chyba jedyny jestem co lubi cob'y. :rock:

:rock: ....:::::::: POLSKA RULZ ::::::::........ :rock:
Originally posted by BodomiC
Ta, niemo¿e byæ, pierwszy polak na cob'skim forum. Zajebiœcie :D
Stary sk¹d jestes? Bo ja z wawy i chyba jedyny jestem co lubi cob'y. :rock:

:rock: ....:::::::: POLSKA RULZ ::::::::........ :rock:

Ja jestem z Wrocka. Jak widze troche osob w Polsce lubi COB, to zajebiscie. W tym roku zdaje maturke, ale planuje wyjazd do Berlina 25.04.03 na koncert CoB (jezeli znajde tyle kasy, bo bilet kosztuje 20euro).
Aah sorry, ze nie odpowiedzialem na twojego private message duuuzo wczesniej, ale dawno nie bylem tu na forum. Pozdro