How I Lost 20 lbs. in 5 Weeks


Apr 14, 2008
I've never been really fat, but one day last year I stepped on the scale and it read 202 lbs. I am 5'11", so I was definitely overweight.

I went and bought the South Beach Diet book. I made my own simple version of the diet. I cut out all alcohol completely, and all fast food, and not one bit of carb or sugary food only for 2 weeks. Then I slowly re-introduced them.

For 2 weeks: I ate eggs for breakfast with a glass of V8. I sometimes put feta cheese, tomatoes and spinach in my omelet. With V8 in the morning, it was an easy way to get a serving of vegetables. Then I ate about every 3 hours, and no deserts. Every day one of my snacks was 15 almonds. I was only allowed one serving of nuts per day. It was either 15 almonds or 2 tbs. of peanut butter. Another snack was turkey wrapped in low fat cheese with mustard. Lunch was like a spinach or lettuce chicken salad, and dinner was similar. I ate lean beef and buffalo too. I drank lots of green tea too. Sometimes I would eat 2 tbs. natural peanut butter on celery as a snack. Greek yogurt they sell at places like Trader Joes is totally non fat and thick and creamy like soft serve ice cream. Incredible! That was a great snack as well. The only carbs I ate was black beans with low fat cheese and salsa. I did mild cardio. I stopped lifting weights because I knew that would make me want more food and carbs.

I had to plan ahead. I would take the turkey and low fat cheese wrap, and wrap it in saran wrap and carry it in my pocket. The trick was eating something before you got hungry.

Then for the next 2 weeks I ate the exact same, except couscous in the morning or one piece of whole grain bread for like 3 days. Then I added a second serving of whole grain something, and 1 serving of fruit for a few days. By the end of the second 2 weeks, I was eating like the first 2 weeks except 2-3 whole grain carbs, and 2-3 servings of fruit a day. I slowly started going to the gym again, but had to be careful not to do too much to make me too hungry.

Around the 5th week I weighed myself and I was 182 lbs. This was last year. I weighed myself a few days ago and I was 170 lbs. Football playoffs now, I doubt I will stay at that though.

A very important technique too, is not eating anything at night.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with heavy metal, except for who doesn't like hearing losing weight tips?