How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'


Worship Amon Amarth
Sep 1, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I came about this disturbing message on the Amon Amarth website:
"Remember to be there early since we're first up to play!"

Personally, I could care less about C.O.B and especially Trivium(fucking terrible). I and the guys that are going with me are going solely to see AMON AMARTH. So WTF? I thought to myself. How is it possible that the best band is an opening act? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATROCITY? All I need is a name and address and I will personally make sure that this sort of thing never happens again.
its called based on the popularity of the band i guess =/ Trivium is like EXTREMELY hot right now (doesn't mean they're really that good) along with their more mainstream success. Same thing with COB. So i think the order is based on how well each band sell their cds (in the USA that is) and the popularity. Not skill wise.

I personally like all 3 bands so i dont care which order they play in. I'm gonna bring all my AA booklets and see if i can get them signed :D
I pesonally never heard of Trivium until they were touring with CoB and AA. CoB's big for sure and I don't mind them actually I am looking forward to seeing them but Amon Amarth I am definately going to represent the hardest because it's so rare that they have been in the States and I want to do my part to show them that they got loyal fans here.
CoB kick very much ass
Amon kick very much ass
Trivum suck a huge syphilis infected donkey dick so the order should be..
Opener-Trivium so we can skip them
Headliner- Amon
Lightbulbsun said:
trivium shouldn't even be on the billing. CoB and AA is an amazing show by itself, who cares who is up first. I know I've been waiting a long time for a CoB headlined U.S. tour.

I agree. As much as I know we'd all like to see Amon Amarth headlining I do think it is about time that CoB headlined a US show. They've had it a long time coming. I only hope that they would play some older stuff because I'm not too crazy about their recent releases.

Either way it takes a lot of work for a band to headline. Promoters really don't know how popular AA will be in the States so it sort of wouldn't make sense. Of course the BEST thing we can do is go to the show and support AA to get the point across to promoters that they do draw a crowd. And as far as them playing with CoB I really don't mind either. CoB is a big crowd puller so either way a bunch of new people will be exposed to AA which isn't a bad thing since it increases their fanbase over here.

. . .In light of all of that I still don't understand how Trivium fits into the picture . . .
I'll be quite hammered for the Trivium already so if you’re going to the Toronto show expect to see something hurled on the stage during Trivium. Also shortly after that expect me to get kicked out.
PaganBlood said:
i woudl say the promoter. But once again here we go boys with another U.S. tour we seem to have more members on this forum again. Wonder how young they get this time

No, we're going to get all the faggots that listen to Cob and trivium here all of a sudden.

P.S. If you listen to Cob or trivium go shoot yourself in the fucking face.
3.Amon amarth

Im rating these, but only on the guitar solo factor. I can see why trivium are really popular. They have that modern metal sound that appeals to the "teens"
Trivium and Children Of Bodom are garbage.

Amon Amarth rules.

Circuslike promoting indeed........
