How is Taake?

The Hubster said:
I couldn't be bothered typing "norwegian" :grin:

PS now say out aloud "taw-keh" and then "tor-keh". Do you hear a difference? No. Which means I said the same thing you said.:rolleyes:

yeah but tor-keh would be oh so wrong when an american said it ;) taw-keh is correct for all the types of english :Smug:
I find it quite interesting that there seems to be such a divided opinion on Tåke. Some people really loath it, while others (like myself, Tom, Ikil) are fanatical about them.

It's odd, because I find Tåke to be one of the most original Black Metal bands today, and they haven't released anything bad at all - solid releases each time showing proactive songwriting and a high level of creativity.
I am neither fanatical about Taake nor do I loathe them. There are some really good riffs and melodies and its competently played, but nothing really stands out too much. I tend not to get the feeling I expect from a good black metal album from Taake's output. It's more like... cool melody here, cool transition here... but the whole thing does not make me go... fuck, this is crushing, the way old Burzum does on songs like "Erlibket die Tochter des Firmaments" and Ulver does on Nattens Madrigal (and Enslaved does on almost anything they do - but they are an exception. They don't have to create the old Burzum and Darkthrone mood, they can just do things their own way). Among the newer bands out there, only a few manage to do that for me, mostly Leviathan and to an extent Deathspell Omega (on Si Monumentum especially). But, I haven't been following some of the bands like Drudkh etc., but the descriptions seem to not fit what I really want.
listening to filosofem right now. what i am seeking is the effect of the first three songs on that album.
It is difficult to match Vikernes' compositions I think.

The anger and darkness expressed in his work is very real, that is what makes it so beautiful, such art.

The destructive events of the church burnings and killings ironically created some of the most powerful Black Metal ever heard.

I guess no matter what the style of music, powerful events can create powerful art forms.
Well there's a few things, given Black Metal has various kinds of expression...

Honesty. Sounds like a wierd thing to say, but musical honesty. I don't want over the top stuff for over the top's sake, it must be legitimate. Lies and art do not mix.

Technical proficiency is irrelevant, thoughtful and effective songwriting is. If there is technical proficiency in the music, then great, but there must be a good song to back it up.

Intelligent lyrics, where possible. Well researched themes (see Deathspell Omega, great example).

For Pagan Black Metal as an example, I want ethnic influences on the music and lyrics. History, ethnic instruments, culture. You name it. Black Metal is an excellent modern ethnic expression.

Fuck English - it is a generally pathetic language for music anyway (one need only look at how much better an opera sounds when sung in German, Italian or French as opposed to English). English has horrible aural structures for singing imo.

For Satanic Black Metal, I would like to see more Latin based recital, more references to biblical things.

I guess really, as the first point implied, I want legitimacy in my Black Metal. When it's used for posing, it is crippled. but when legitimately and intelligently executed, it is the most powerful kind of Metal there is.

To me, Black Metal expression is powerful expression. It must stay true to this via intelligence.
a rofl nazi said:
who cares about lyrics
I definitely agree about the singing in other languages

Lyrics matter a lot, it is part of the music like anything else is and contributes to the feeling of the music, no matter the language it's sung in.