How is your collection organised?


Master Exploder
How do you have your cds organised? Are the organised at all?

Mine are grouped by band (obviously), then genre, and then I stick other odd albums or bands that I have a couple of discs of, in the gaps. I thought the other day though, that my collection is getting big enough to be put in alphabetical, but I am not sure about it. I think that would call for a different style rack.
Mine are organised into random piles all over the place :)

When I actually sort them out, they're usually grouped by band, alphabetically. But that's not happened for years.
I can't be bothered and I doubt I have anywhere near as many as you lot.

I think I'll only just hit 100 after I get some CDs off of Gorey!
Ous are organised seperatley as we have such large collections. But they both are alphabetical by band then release order. In mine I have compilations together and sound tracks together and box sets that don't fit on same shelf as band are all together seperate.
Mine are separated into two groups - those on the floor and those on the shelves. I have far too many CDs, barely any space, too little time and absolutely no inclination to arrange them into band order. But it would be neat if I did.
LPs done in Genre (not extremely specific - but Prog Rock, 60s/70s/80s Rock n Roll, Metal etc) > then Alphabetically > then Release Date. CDs are similar, tapes alphabetically.

Nothing irritates me more than something not being placed back in it's place, and not being able to find it when needed, hence no-one being allowed to pick things out, because some people don't understand the importance of organization (not read pedanticism!)
in no order whatsoever. I am meaning to sort them out. Most of my favourite albums are ripped into MP3 format anyway, I don't listen to CDs very much.
Like todd, I am anal enough to have them organised alpabetically, then release date, I ran out of rack space months ago though, so for a fucking long time I just have this outta control pile growing and expanding there is no organisation in that lot
Like most people here, alphabetical by band, then in order of release within the band. Except I have a separate CD cabinet for my KISS CDs. My records are also organised alphebetical by band then release date.

And with DVDs and videos they are organised according to genre and in order of things that link them together. For example, the Italian horror & films are all together, and within that the Lamberto Bava movies are together finishing with Demons 2 (produced by Dario Argento) so then the Argento movies are next (those are in release order), then the Fulci movies next to each other finishing with "Zombie", then other Italian zombie movies follow from that, etc. Pretty anal huh? Haha!