Your cd-collection?

I'm guessing I have at least 200 cds, but its growing quite rapidly at the moment, now that I'm currently out of school and have a full time job to support my music addiction :D
Uuum...Havent counted them in a while. And im not at home right now. But Im guessing...Around 240 ? And they're all METAL. Well except for Soundgarden :D

And I have only been an active metal listener for 4-5 years ;)
Never had a job either...So Im kinda proud of my collection :p
Too lazy to count...


I have roughly said about 300 originals, and everything is metal... I´m now a writer of a metalzine, so it keeps growing quite fast, since I get all the new stuff from the labels...

To you with thousands of cd´s and the attached pics... Where do you get a "collector" like that.. It is as big as a damn wall!? How much do they cost? Damn!
How long have you been into metal?

We´ve only had this built recently. Before that all the cds were in boxes and it was a pain in the ass. It is the combined collection of two avid Metalheads: my husband (since 1979... I think) and I (since 1984).

How many of those cds you think is metal?

At least 80% is Metal while the rest encompasses the "rest" of the music world (minus rap or anything remotely related to or combining it).
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
Where do you get a "collector" like that.. It is as big as a damn wall!? How much do they cost? Damn!

We had to have a carpenter come in and make that special. It covers the entire wall and surprisingly didn´t take them long to put in. I have no idea of the cost as it was a gift from my husband´s parents.