how long does it take!!!!


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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Hey people i'm a huge anthrax fan but its starting to really shit me with how long they are taking.
I know they had to sort business out and stuff but people are not going to give a shit about them if they hold the album up much longer.

just look at pantera 4 years out and they just cracked 500.000
instead of 1.5 record sales in usa

give us your thoughts people i hope i'm not coming across to selfish.
I understand your frustration, but like you said there's a lot of business stuff behind an album. Not to mention the fact of just writing the album. Once you've got so many albums already under your belt I'm sure it's kinda hard to come up with new and exciting ideas, while trying not to regurgiate something from an old record.

My thoughts.
I often wondered about how these metal bands like Anthrax, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth (rip) etc... keep the music fresh. Out of all the bands I mentioned Anthrax is the only band that can reinvent themselves without losing who they are. Metallica changed, I welcome change and don't blame them trying something different but they kinda lost there integerty. Megadeth I think just lost their fire when they couldn't live up to Metallica. They came close though with Countdown. They were a great band I just wished Dave wrote music for himself and his fans not trying to beat Metallica all the time. Slayer there is good and bad about them. They are true to who they are and their music so that is good but at the same time its bad. Its like there is no suprise when the buy the new Slayer. Its the same old songs. That is why I LOVE Anthrax because you wonder what the new Anthrax is going to sound like. If you listen to everyone of their albums they all sound different but still sound like Anthrax.
There are probably more legal twists and turns in the music business than in the fucking OJ case. Business shit takes time, plus 9/11 threw the time table off. Don't forget the holidays, and the fact that these guys have lives. Yes, being in a metal band rules. But in its own ways, it does have some 9-5 traits that you want to get away from after awhile. Would you want to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week for 3-4 months straight? Hell no. That's why it takes time. Look how long it took to make the black album... and that was when Metallica still had a real metal flare. Besides... We've Come for You All is worth the wait.
I think it is definitely worth the wait considering what the band members are saying about the new album!! But you never know, they could be talking shit just to get us all excited who knows?? But I doubt it. :)
I think we should all have patience for the thrax boys after all the shit they've been through with shitty ex-members, problems with the VH1 show, appalling marketing of stomp and vol8 and not to mention I haven't heard them once on the radio where I live!!!! All that shit pisses me off and makes me upset and is bound to upset you if it's your own band getting screwed around. I'll never understand why something like Oracle by Kittie should sell so many more copies than vol8. I guess that's what exposure does for you. But you know what, I know Anthrax will make it to the top!! On Stomp check out the lyrics: "Hungry and I'll take the best cause I never wanted anything less, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" "I weathered every storm I, pulled it through falling by the wayside, I've seen a few. But I never went down, never went down, I never will. Taken every single blow and countered. Never went down, never went down, and better still. Look at my face and see your father."