How long have you been an Opeth Fan?

Originally posted by Hearse
Was it released in '94 or just recorded?
It was recorded in March 1994 so if it wasn't thoroughly delayed I definitely think it was released in '94, also if I remember correctly I bought it somewhere in late '94, december or smtng.
Originally posted by Cutter
Since the release of Orchid. 1991 or so I think...
Well, '94, maybe early '95, but it definitely wasn't released in '91!
Just after Morningrise's release so that would make it....... *Tries to crunch some No's* ....... *Passes Out From Concentration*
About a year now. I picked up BWP after hearing it one night at some party on some shitty ass stereo. The party was so boring I just sat and listened to the cd. I then went out and got it a few days later. I just opened my package containing the remaining four albums :cool:
Quite a few years now, since I heard their rendition of "Remember Tomorrow" off of A Call to Irons, Tribute to Iron Maiden. They have become one of my all-time favorite bands.
Since 1998

Morningrise was the one I started off with. After Morningrise I bought Mayh and that was followed by Orchid, Still Life, Blackwater Park, and Blackwater Park special edition.

Now I'm eagerly awaiting there upcoming release.;)
