How Many More Albums?

Not so many any more. i guess most of the guys are more or less fucked up... so we can be thankful for every new album they release!
they will probably relase progresively shit/boring/comercial albums and EP's for about 4 years, then ALEXI will make a solo album, with the guy from def lepard on drums, David Lee Roth on lead vocals, a synthesised bass sound, barry manilow on keyboards, and DJ lethal on the lead turn-tables
one hundred milion more... and then all the guys will do solo albums and when you put the covers together in a specific order you'll get a cool reaper pic out of it... yay!!!!
I don't think anyone would like to live in a world without CoB.

Anyways, I think that they will always be together but kinda drift off and then officially announce a breakup when it becomes months and months in between any kinds of sessions. I think Alexi will be end his career with Sinergy rather than CoB. I would ahte that though, CoB rocks