How many of you fags have myspace accounts?

What is the rational behind being so anti-myspace? It is what you make it. Stop being little pussies, if you don't have one you don't have one, suck it up.

Calling it 'gayspace' or 'emospace' is like calling e-mail 'gaymail' or 'emomail'...wait thats a pretty good idea.
I used to be pretty Anti-Myspace, but I have to admit, although it started as a e-club for emotional kids with penchants for crappy self-photography, it's now a fair bit more than that. It still has the kids, but it also has uncountable amounts of great bands and artists, and makes it easier for these people to spread whatever they're peddling. I like that. (My Band) (My Other Band) (Personal) (Recently started a design... thing)

Now you all know everything about me.
haha @ Tully with emomail and gaymail.
Fwiw, myspace really does seem to be an emofest and I don't think airing personal dirty laundry on the internet is a good idea, but it's easy to find old friends and see what they've been doing. I guess.

btw, I have sigs turned off, folks.