How Metal Is This?


Nov 19, 2005
This is Ben who is the son of one of my co-workers.
The shirt, interestingly enough, came from Hot Topic.
How Metal is your baby?
THATS GREAT, My 2 year old son Zach has a Maiden shirt from Hot Topic as well, it says IRON MAIDEN "WRATHCHILD", LOLOLOL:headbang:
HT is not as bad as people make it out to be. Yeah, they are corporates and sell emo junk, but heck it's a business. At least I can find good stuff there, too. I like the fact that I can walk in when they are selling stuff for 50% off the already clearance price and buy zombie action figures for $3 each. Even their CD selection is usually decent, maybe not for power and prog metal, but they generally have some good comps from metal labels at a discounted price. Now the Hinder and Three Days Grace merch has gotta go, but I quit being ashamed of my HT buying ways since I was shopping there anyway.

Oh, and for you Pellaz-types out there, they are running a promotion for Immortal and Dimmu Borgir of all things and have their t-shirts.
I shop the HT clearance rack every few months. Pick up an occasional retro 80s t-shirt. I have a bunch of My Little Pony shirts from them. Haven't been there in close to a year though. I think the last thing I bought was South Park dolls. Goth Stan & Wizard Cartman. Both were only $2 on clearance.
Oh, and for you Pellaz-types out there,


they are running a promotion for Immortal and Dimmu Borgir of all things and have their t-shirts.

Are you calling me evil, a cheapskate, or both?

--Don't answer that! :lol:

We were a bit surprised to see Immortal t-shirts at Hot Topic.
Dimmu Borgir, no surprise, they've been getting a decent push and are one of the world's most recognized extreme metal bands (along with CoF) these days.....but Immortal?!

Oh, well, a rising tide lifts all boats. And they carry Dragonforce t-shirts, too. :kickass:
I saw the shirt at my local Hot Topic. Undecided about metal baby clothing but some of it is very cool. Rock on Metal Baby...