Dragonforce officially mainstream

Jasonic said:
Think about how many of you might only be into underground metal because of that Metallica song you heard on the radio 15 years ago....

If it was a pre-1990 Metallica song, well, that's hardly a comparison. Dragonforce has a gimmick, and they're milking it. I wouldn't expect much of the crowd the briefly gets into them to carry over into liking older stuff - that doesn't seem to be how it's working. At least not from my "observations on the ground", so to speak...
Herman Li can play Mario Brothers sounds on his guitar while soloing. I like it >_>

Absolutely they are not as good as many other groups which will never realize their popularity nor money (from this surge alone). But I do enjoy their music.
Jasonic said:
It will be interesting to see how many indie labels will go sign power metal bands. I found it interesting how much Metal Blade is pushing Cellador now. They didn't give a rat's ass when they had Symphony X, and don't seem to promote much for Brainstorm or Symphorce. I wonder if that will change now.

I'll bet it won't. They see the window with Cellador. The others are part of the niche marketing plan, and too hard to tour the U.S. with.
urinalcakemix said:
DF has balls, and its time they shared these balls with the world.

Yeah, I understood you weren't comparing their sound to Pantera, I just find it interesting (and a little ironic) that anyone can think DragonForce has "balls".
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, I understood you weren't comparing their sound to Pantera, I just find it interesting (and a little ironic) that anyone can think DragonForce has "balls".

I'm like DF well enough though I'm no huge fan; however, this seems typical of the disregard shown to Power Metal in general and Euro-Power in particular. Why wouldn't they have balls? Because they incorporate clean vocals and melody into their music? Their music is certainly hard enough to compare with any other band, and probably the fastest of all the speed metalers. No doubt if their vocalist was a Death Metal growler or Black Metal shrieker they'd be universally dubbed the most extreme band on the planet... tr00 Metal Monsters or some such shit.
I think people are also forgetting another reason why Dragonforce is being driven hard in America.

These guys are from England.

Look, let's face reality here. There is a lot of racism in the US recording industry. What do you think the average USA record exec will do when you have two bands, and you can only choose one. Who do you think will get the push? Band A that features Tuomas, Emppu, Jukka, Marco and Siljanne, or Band B that features Jim, Jake, John and Jeff (Just throwing names around).

Even amongst the pabulum genre, how many non North American or British Empire acts make it in America? Very, very few. There is your reason. The difference between us and the rest of the pabulum-puking nonsense is that we allow the music to do the talking. That is why some of us may like Nightwish, others Jag Panzer, and even some would like Naio Ssaion. 99.99999 percent of the rest let other factors talk.

Ray C.
Thorn23TX said:
The Cellador singer sounds like a Michael Kiske clone - I swear that if you close your eyes you'd think you were listening to 80's-era Helloween.
Wow, I have to disagree. The Cellador singer isn't anywhere near Kiske's class. In fact I find the Cellador singer borderline unlistenable. He's not good ... just my opinion.

Thorn23TX said:
The Cellador singer sounds like a Michael Kiske clone - I swear that if you close your eyes you'd think you were listening to 80's-era Helloween.

I think one would only think that if they were trippin on some acid... LOL I dont think he's a Kiske clone...not at all.
Magius said:
I'm like DF well enough though I'm no huge fan; however, this seems typical of the disregard shown to Power Metal in general and Euro-Power in particular. Why wouldn't they have balls? Because they incorporate clean vocals and melody into their music? Their music is certainly hard enough to compare with any other band, and probably the fastest of all the speed metalers. No doubt if their vocalist was a Death Metal growler or Black Metal shrieker they'd be universally dubbed the most extreme band on the planet... tr00 Metal Monsters or some such shit.


Even in terms of power metal, DragonForce are flowery technical wank. Their music is so far away from being ballsy, it's almost vaginal.
MetalAges said:
Love me or hate em there is something infectious about this band.

Remember back in the classic mp3.com days (5-6 years or whatever it was) when bands could get on there and then people could buy those MP3.com made CDs? I recall when Dragonforce debuted on there that they were one of the biggest word of mouth bands I've ever seen people hyping. They ruled the metal charts for I don't know HOW long.

Roadrunner is helping make them even bigger but these guys have busted balls and worked the internet the way all bands should strive for.

I was one that downloaded this band in 2000. I let my roommate listen to it and he was like "HOLY $HIT!!"....still have that disc.....

I think people get mad when their "lil discovery" or their "personal find" band goes from underground to semi-pop....they get a lil bent outta shape. I am on the fence with this one....

I am happy they are gettin noticed, they worked very hard to get here.

I am NOT happy because popularity/corporate influence tends to change a bands direction/vision....we shall see....

I am interested on seein what happens to the band bein I have seen their progression from a "who?"-band to OZZFEST/HOT TOPIC Tee-sellin band.

80's "MY2CENTS" AL:kickass:
BenMech said:
People miss the point with the Dragonforce promotion by non-metallers.

It's a "Laugh AT them, NOT WITH them" kind of "ironic detachment" deal.

The Pitchfork nation aren't metal fans. They never were, never will be.

I think that this is spot on. I teach at a high school, and over the past year I have noticed that a lot of kids are suddenly talking about Dragonforce. They're not "metal kids" by any stretch of the imagination, and it always struck me as odd that they would be suddenly excited about Dragonforce of all bands.

Then I realized that there was a great deal of hipster irony going on here. Think about it: what are the characteristics of power metal? Fast tempos, high vocals, fantasy imagery, lots of guitar solos, etc. Dragonforce takes all of these elements to the nth degree. They are so power metal they are almost a caricature of it. Heck, their name is freakin' DRAGONFORCE. Hipster kids like Dragonforce because it allows them to PLAY at being metal fans.

Think of it this way: Did you ever come across something (music, TV, movie, whatever) that's so ridiculous it's great? (Here's hoping that "Snakes on a Plane" is in that category...) I think that that's where most of these kids are coming from. Everything about Dragonforce is so over-the-top (both in image and music) that it becomes about the experience of listening/seeing them more than anything else.

So, if I'm correct, I don't think that Dragonforce will be leading a power metal movement into the mainstream, mainly because the emo kids are going to get tired of the act very quickly.

All this being said, I like the band. I only have "Sonic Firestorm" but it's solid, IMHO. Personally, I don't really care if they themselves are being ironic or not (v. the photos in the "Sonic Firestorm" booklet). I guess I'm not much of a "true metal warrior".

NP: Depeche Mode "Playing the Angel"
JayKeeley said:
Their music is so far away from being ballsy, it's almost vaginal.
ROTFLMAO. I caught one of their videos last night on the Headbanger's Ball. It was quite enjoyable. I'll probably go back and give these guys another listen. However, I suspect that when I hear more than one DF song in a single sitting, it will quickly grow redundant.

In respect to the thread's original topic, DF can be nothing but a positive influence on a generation whose musicians have nothing to offer in the way of musical chops. Call it wank (and mostly it is) but these guys can flat out play.

General Zod said:
In respect to the thread's original topic, DF can be nothing but a positive influence on a generation whose musicians have nothing to offer in the way of musical chops.

Having seen a lot of the "kids" in our area, I can assure you that the next round of musicianship will surprise you. I know *I* was surprised but the quality of players I've seen in the 15-18 range - not Jason Becker level or anything (like that happens more than once every 50 years), but much, much higher than the now-20-somethings they're following. DF doesn't have a damn thing to do with that - they're too new. The love of "old school" of the trendy crowd has rubbed off on the musicians, who found real substance there and ate it up.
General Zod said:
Perhaps... but I'm guessing 99.999999% of Americans have no clue who Exodus and Venom are.


Other than to say 'Yeah.. Exodus.. isn't that where that Metallica guy used to play?"
eaeolian said:
Having seen a lot of the "kids" in our area, I can assure you that the next round of musicianship will surprise you. I know *I* was surprised but the quality of players I've seen in the 15-18 range - not Jason Becker level or anything (like that happens more than once every 50 years), but much, much higher than the now-20-somethings they're following. DF doesn't have a damn thing to do with that - they're too new. The love of "old school" of the trendy crowd has rubbed off on the musicians, who found real substance there and ate it up.
That's good to hear. It seemed that guitar playing was in a constant state of evolution through the 1980s. However, especially in respect to the mainstream, it just died on the vine (see Nirvana). It's good to hear there's hope on the horizon.

Nah, kids want to shred again these days. Which could be a bad thing if all they learn to do is shred. I want to hear more innovation in sound, solo structures, etc. Not just 'pick a favorite scale and ride it, change octave, ride it.'