Dragonforce officially mainstream

Bryan316 said:
I'm saying, I'm glad kids are letting go of that whiny bitch Chester, and listening to some serious fuckin metal.

DragonForce are "serious fuckin metal"??

urinalcakemix said:
Its about time America as a whole regrew a pair of testicles. We need another band like Pantera to come along and take over the world, maybe Dragonforce will pave the way! I hope so

What the..?

Are we all talking about the same band here?
You have to be a damned serious musician in order to play the kind of songs Dragonforce come up with. You can't be a hackneyed Nirvana-playing kid with five chords sorta-learned, and hack the shit Dragonforce are creating.

Currently, ANYONE I know who plays guitar can learn a Green Day song or a Linkin Park song or a Strokes song or a Jet song or a White Stripes song.

Let's see the same for even ONE Dragonforce song. I don't know of any seasoned bands in all of Detroit that have the talent or the skill to pull this shit off.

Not one.
General Zod said:
Both these statements are dead on. Anyone who thinks Metal gaining mainstream acceptance is a good thing for the genre and the quality of the music, doesn't have a real strong understanding of Metal's history. To Jim's point, if Metal caught on, A&R reps would flood the market with "Metal" by bands who look better than they play. Iced Earth would end up opening up for some Nu Power Metal band, who has one CD in their discography, but a hit single that makes the 15 year girls feel all dreamy.


For the record I bought 2 Iced Earth shirts at Hot Topic as well.
Bryan316 said:
You have to be a damned serious musician in order to play the kind of songs Dragonforce come up with. You can't be a hackneyed Nirvana-playing kid with five chords sorta-learned, and hack the shit Dragonforce are creating.

Currently, ANYONE I know who plays guitar can learn a Green Day song or a Linkin Park song or a Strokes song or a Jet song or a White Stripes song.

Let's see the same for even ONE Dragonforce song. I don't know of any seasoned bands in all of Detroit that have the talent or the skill to pull this shit off.

Not one.

So what's your point?

You're not about to tell us that "technical = better" are you?
wayland smithers said:
But Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Angra, Edguy, those are the bands that deserved the kind of attention Dragonforce are getting years ago. But I kinda cant complain because maybe with the Force's success kids will go back and pay attention to the bands who made Dragonforce who they are? Kids need a serious lesson in the importance of ProgPower and what this festival did for those kinds of bands. Maybe I'm asking too much with that one?

It seems that newer bands today, mention older bands in their songs. Plus, just like PP Fans, kids wonder who their influences are and look them up. I mean, I've given some bands' influences a shot and liked them. Why can't this happen with the Hot Profit crowd?
Does anyone have any Dragonforce record sales stats?

Also, I know plenty of people whose musical tastes I personally view to be "mainstream," and so far none of them have mentioned a peep about Dragonforce. I think this is just a select few on this forum(and others) who are making something out of nothing. I'm wondering if some people here bought stock in DF and are just trying to push up the demand for them by creating all this ridiculously exagerrated hype.
JayKeeley said:
Are we all talking about the same band here?
I dont mean the Pantera comparison to SOUND at ALL, but I do mean in the potential for DF to kick americas ass like Pantera did. In a time when metal was "out" and "dead", and Far Beyond Driven debuted at no. 1, and sold out arenas, with some of the most over the top heavy metal of its time, I think Dragonforce has the potential to do that. DF has balls, and its time they shared these balls with the world.
It's ridiculous how people are "worried" that Dragonforce are on Hot Topic or becoming popular here in the USA... Their shirt is on hot topic? What's the big fucking deal? Are they becoming popular? Okay, it kinda sucks, but what can you do? Let it be...

Dragonforce is awesome whether they're mainstream or not.
JayKeeley said:
So what's your point?

You're not about to tell us that "technical = better" are you?

I think he's trying to say that Dragonforce is much more talented than the bands he mentioned. I may be wrong, but that what seemed obvious to me.
I am still laughing about the comment that Pantera "kicked America's ass" I would say that Venom, Slayer, and Exodus kicked America's ass long before Pantera. I guess if MTV was your first exposure to metal, then maybe. It's not like Pantera opened any doors for metal in America. Not even in the mainstream.
Jasonic said:
I guess if MTV was your first exposure to metal, then maybe. It's not like Pantera opened any doors for metal in America. Not even in the mainstream.

Agreed. Pantera never did anything spectacular in my opinion. In fact, I even got to see them live and I didn't think they were anything special at all. But to each their own.
Jasonic said:
I am still laughing about the comment that Pantera "kicked America's ass" I would say that Venom, Slayer, and Exodus kicked America's ass long before Pantera.
Perhaps... but I'm guessing 99.999999% of Americans have no clue who Exodus and Venom are.

AngraRULES said:
Agreed. Pantera never did anything spectacular in my opinion.

I assume you are specifically saying that you didn't like their music and nothing more correct?

Otherwise, I couldn't disagree more as I consider Pantera as one of the most important and influential bands to emerge from the 90's. I also consider "Vulgar Display of Power" as one of the most important albums of the 90's as well. At a time when metal was in a huge downward spiral in the mainstream, they led the comeback. It was huge for "Far Beyond Driven" to hit #1 on Billboard back then as nobody expected it. The majority of the scene (popular anyway) owes a huge debt to Pantera for paving the way. Dimebag's riffs and Phil's screaming are the blueprints for 90% of the bands out today.

Pantera: :worship:

*The greatest Pantera song ever*
AngraRULES said:
Agreed. Pantera never did anything spectacular in my opinion. In fact, I even got to see them live and I didn't think they were anything special at all. But to each their own.
I think the original poster that said "Pantera kicked America's ass" was partially referring to the fact that Pantera was highly successful despite the fact that grunge was ruling the country at that time. Not too many metal acts managed to find success during that period in time .. Pantera did.

I think the correlation was trying to be made that Dragonforce might be able to thrive in similar fashion today. I don't see that happening, but who knows? Pantera had a #1 album during the grunge period. Dragonforce wouldn't seem to be able to land a #1 spot on Billboard charts in this day and age .. I wouldn't think.

Ok, I guess I read the initial Pantera comment incorrectly.....
I can see from a mainstream standpoint the importance of the band.

To me though, it was Venom, Slayer, and Exodus that paved the way for the underground metal movement in the US on a more widespread, as opposed to local, manner.

It will be interesting to see how many indie labels will go sign power metal bands. I found it interesting how much Metal Blade is pushing Cellador now. They didn't give a rat's ass when they had Symphony X, and don't seem to promote much for Brainstorm or Symphorce. I wonder if that will change now.
Love me or hate em there is something infectious about this band.

Remember back in the classic mp3.com days (5-6 years or whatever it was) when bands could get on there and then people could buy those MP3.com made CDs? I recall when Dragonforce debuted on there that they were one of the biggest word of mouth bands I've ever seen people hyping. They ruled the metal charts for I don't know HOW long.

Roadrunner is helping make them even bigger but these guys have busted balls and worked the internet the way all bands should strive for.
DarkTide said:
I think the original poster that said "Pantera kicked America's ass" was partially referring to the fact that Pantera was highly successful despite the fact that grunge was ruling the country at that time. Not too many metal acts managed to find success during that period in time .. Pantera did.

I think the correlation was trying to be made that Dragonforce might be able to thrive in similar fashion today. I don't see that happening, but who knows? Pantera had a #1 album during the grunge period. Dragonforce wouldn't seem to be able to land a #1 spot on Billboard charts in this day and age .. I wouldn't think.

Most people have no idea of all the great music thats around, thats not being played on the radio, or on MTV. Im guessing a lot of people just accept the bands thinking thats the only thing out there, so maybe some awareness to true metal will help influence a new crowd.

And with the Pantera/DF comparison, that is EXACTLY what I meant Britt, thanks for clearing it up, since I guess I didn't do a good enough job explaining it!
BenMech said:
People miss the point with the Dragonforce promotion by non-metallers.

It's a "Laugh AT them, NOT WITH them" kind of "ironic detachment" deal.

The Pitchfork nation aren't metal fans. They never were, never will be.

I agree with you 100%. Its the same reason emo kids show up to Slayer shows, and band members in Atreyu wear Maiden and Dio shirts. They get a "kick" out of metal. They don't truly feel it on the inside. True metal fans are passionate about metal. I think that is why many get protective when a band like DragonForce gets popular.

As long as their music doesn't change, I am fine with it. Hell, if Roadrunner signs bands like Machine Men, Power Quest, etc, etc, and it means they can tour the states, then I am all for it!

The Hot Topic aspect of it will die down.

Maybe their popularity will result in younger kids discovering bands like BG, Rhapsody, Strato, etc, etc.

Think about how many of you might only be into underground metal because of that Metallica song you heard on the radio 15 years ago....