How much did you spend on metal in 2010?

CDs- 2800.00
merch- 850.00
Epica (Winnipeg)-incl. gas & hotel: 425.00
Amon Amorth (Saskatoon)-incl gas: 50.00
Bon Jovi/Kid Rock (Regina)- 320.00
Progpower xi - Flights 1550.00
Hotel 500.00
Tickets 240.00
TOTAL 6735.00

The most fun i've ever had blowing 7 grand.:hotjump:

DAMMIT!- almost beat Mourning Beloveth! I'll try harder next year!
(phoning my bank now..........)
I'm thinking of it as "how much money did you give to businesses working in the music industry?" That eliminates flights, driving costs, beers, etc. I think it makes more sense that way, and, that's how I have it recorded in Quicken! :)

CDs/DVDs - $0 (c'mon, CDs?!? Ok, $140.44 for an eMusic plan + 6 albums downloaded from other stores)
Magazines - $0
Merchandise - $0
Gigs - $1301.20 (65 tickets for 33% less than MB's 47 tickets...woo hoo, I'm even an efficient concertgoer!)

Total - $1441.64 (7.5% of my expenses for the year)

Is there an award for highest live-music vs. purchased-music ratio?

If you ask my wife, it would be way to damn much. But if you ask me I think its the perect amount. Other than that I can't give you an exact number.