How much money did you spend for metal stuffs?


Aces High!
Aug 27, 2010
How much money did you spend for metal stuffs?
For me its about 300 euro!
Because in iran there isnt any law about copy the music stuff an its totally legal.!
And also i have to say there isnt any metal stuffs in iran available.we get music very cheaper than you guys...
We buy originals man at a very hefty price,I can only speak for myself but I know many people here have spent thousands.It runs into the many thousands of $ over the years and most will consider their metal collections as assets.Copies are worth nothing but in your part of the world things are probably alot different.
I've spent a lot, don't really know how much exactly. I don't download or copy stuff, but that's a personal choice. Don't condemn those who do. I just love to own the original release, enjoy the artwork, booklets, lyrics and stuff. It's also a way to support bands.

Guess this is the first time I see someone posting about Iran, you'd probably have a hard time finding original stuff there.
I just love to own the original release, enjoy the artwork, booklets, lyrics and stuff. It's also a way to support bands.

Im exactly the same, but i usually download an album first to see if i like it but if i do ill buy it as soon as i have the money. I spend around £200-£300 a year on metal
Started buying in December of 2008, I've probably spent about $5-6k so far. I haven't purchased anything in months though, as pretty much everything is going toward school and the vehicle that gets me there.
I have spent a fair bit. 650 cds or so, average cost is somewhere around $10...t-shirts and concerts...fucking hell, I've spent kind of a lot.
I've spent a lot, don't really know how much exactly. I don't download or copy stuff, but that's a personal choice. Don't condemn those who do. I just love to own the original release, enjoy the artwork, booklets, lyrics and stuff. It's also a way to support bands.

Guess this is the first time I see someone posting about Iran, you'd probably have a hard time finding original stuff there.

its totally impossible in iran to get the music stuff or t-shirts.because selling metal stuffs is not if we could get metal dvds and the other things 100% we do support our favorite i ask u what did you do if you be in my place?
Yes, I actually know them. They're from a city near Sao Paulo, and they play good Black Metal. But their full lenght has not been released yet.

Are there any iranian bands we should check?
I have been collecting metal since grade school when I bought my first album in 76'. Black Sabbath's Technical Ecstasy had just come out and was playing in the record store and I had to have it, I was hooked. Since then, I have been collecting vinyl, tapes and cds. I have a whole room in our home that stores all my music. As I got older, I have always budgeted money monthly for music. Right now, I have a separate account specifically for music purchases. I budget about a thousand a month. I don't always use the whole amount and some months I spend more than that. It all depends on what releases come out and if I find a new band I like, I wind up buying the whole discography.

I do download but only if I have never heard the band before and use the download as a test drive before purchasing.

If I were you and lived in Iran, I would be forever downloading since there is so much crushing metal out there. For people in your situation, I see nothing wrong with downloading since you can't listen to most bands any other way.
Hmmm, not sure how much I've spent on metal stuffs. I'm glad, too, because I'm pretty sure the amount would be quite staggering, especially if concerts and festival trips count as metal stuffs. Basically I don't want to think about it.
I haven't bought any music in awhile, but I do buy shirts though. I also bought a denim vest with some patches, but I regret ordering the vest in blue :(


blut aus nord logo on a black cotton shirt (like my sig, but in semi - big print) - 46$ from France.

Agalloch logo in gold on black cotton - 10$

mutiilation shirt - not yet, but I'm definitely getting a shirt from this group.

circle of dead children logo shirt with some robot looking figures - 16$

iced earth logo shirt with a crying eagle on the front and the twin towers in the background with a quote on the back of the shirt; "the sleeping giant is asleep no longer" - about the same as the circle of dead children shirt, but I acquired this one way earlier than the other ones ^
Hmmm, not sure how much I've spent on metal stuffs. I'm glad, too, because I'm pretty sure the amount would be quite staggering, especially if concerts and festival trips count as metal stuffs. Basically I don't want to think about it.

I've only been buying for a few years now, but I would have to agree. I can only imagine what else I could have spent my money on. Porn, drugs, bitches, etc.
Are there any iranian bands we should check?

Penhan is one band that I like, but it's really hard to find their music. Other than the youtube uploads, I'm stumped. They're not fast by any means, but I really love their style and tone.

There's also Ahura, a thrash/power metal band. They're pretty good, but it doesn't sound quite studio quality... probably due to lack of recording infrastructure.

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