How much is gas in your area?

4.15 cheapest I've seen in seattle for regular today. But it is good that these high prices are ass raping those driving SUVs and single moms driving suvs (what a hateful passion i have for those). ANd also that in detroit they are testing electric cars (saw it on the news last week). In the long run, getting raped by gas prices for a little while is quite good i say

Shut the fuck up already on SUVs. There are worse cars out there. My SUV gets 25 to the gallon, and it's not unusual - that's a several-year-old Honda. Pickup trucks are generally worse, and before you start on the 'we need those for work' shit you'd be surprised at how often you wind up using the extra space in the SUV (and not needing to call people with trucks) and not just carrying it around as dead weight. You discredit a lot of useful things you say with shit like this and the whole people-under-20-shouldn't-drive thing...

Shut the fuck up already on SUVs. There are worse cars out there. My SUV gets 25 to the gallon, and it's not unusual - that's a several-year-old Honda. Pickup trucks are generally worse, and before you start on the 'we need those for work' shit you'd be surprised at how often you wind up using the extra space in the SUV (and not needing to call people with trucks) and not just carrying it around as dead weight. You discredit a lot of useful things you say with shit like this and the whole people-under-20-shouldn't-drive thing...


Why don't you just get a bike, you fucking red neck?

:lol: Paul loves to make generalisations like that. I'm with you, it's more about being sensible rather than sweeping and pointless token gestures/legislature.
I get maybe 4 to the gallon on a bike... I get really thirsty and go really slow... and then puke it out. This whole biking-to-save-gas thing is a scam.
