How much is gas in your area?

Just hit 4 bucks a gallon here...

Currently figuring how much a horse will cost.

GAS ? Lol .. they just discovered it here in Greece .... all country is full of holes for the pipes ... so soon enough you will find out how much is here :P
I'm not on a fixed income and I'm lucky to have $60 for myself to do whatever I want with after I pay my bills and rent. Fucking sucks ass. Rent keeps getting higher, and my pay stays the same. Miss one payment on any bill and next thing you know you're way behind.

I'm on the verge of taking the bus to work from now on and only driving when I need to. Maybe your mom could try that as well to save some coinage?

She has done that as well as car pool with neighbors to grocery and what not. It just sucks from every viewpoint to see folks have to change their lifestyle because of gas prices and then see pictures of these damn oil sheiks flaunting the money they have.
It's a pretty complex issue. Oil is tied heavily into the World economy, not just in dynamics between the U.S and the Middle East.

Alternative fuel sources are entirely viable, but the reliance on oil has continued because it's profitable. It's probably worth realising that this has not changed in 60 years, and it's very unlikely to do so now.

Furthermore, Coalition actions in the Middle East have contributed to the unsettling of the area, pushing oil prices upwards. We pay the price ourselves, eventually. Throw in the rate of growth in Russian, Indian and Chinese industry and you have an intensely competitive market. The U.S just doesn't have the weight it had a few decades ago - there is some displacement by the New world powers.

To take on from what Kevin said, this is perhaps a good excuse to cut down the reliance on oil and personal vehicles. Lifestyles need to change, it's a shame they need a kick in the ass to do so, but that's how it goes.
At least you guys have gas there ... here sucks ... especially in winter for the heaters at least 1000€ cost me to keep me warm
on a more serious note: I agree with Derek 100%. I take the metro to work instead of driving, which makes it an hour commute instead of 45 minutes but you know what... ?
I can read my book and relax on the metro while getting there instead of being annoyed in traffic.

Some peopl can make those changes, but some CANT - it's a matter of living too far, and away from public transportations, and those people that suffer the most
from gas prices...
I advocate gradual change as opposed to all at once. Naturally some people need to use their vehicles to get around, but the overwhelming amount of people could cut their car use by at least half. As it stands car owners tend to use their vehicles for every journey they need to make, because it's much easier and more convenient that using public transport/other means.

Interestingly the high fuel prices are making people question whether it really is more convenient, and so perhaps some people will re-think their travel patterns and habits.

We're experimenting with tax breaks/heavier taxes for efficient cars and responsible usage/bloated and inefficient cars and irresponsible usage here just now, but it's a bit of a debate whether to make it retroactive, whether it should apply to the poorest people (often with the cheaper, older and less efficient cars) and whether it's fair to tax someone who has worked hard to earn their fortune and enjoys spending it on fast/large cars.

I don't think it will work.

The great tragedy here for me is that the recreational vehicle is a wonderful thing. People can visit places and do things they never could before (or at least vastly easier). The problem lies in its reliance on oil. Given the technology available and the existing infrastructure, we could have been driving self-sufficient vehicles that run on electricity, vegetable oil or even urine. Sadly that technology has been hidden, ill-supported and suppressed for nigh on 60 years.
Oh, I do public transit as much as often... just hate the time it can take some days. Needlessly late due to the fact that some fucking spic decided to start fucking with the bus driver, etc.

Not to mention that they're raising fares here by at least a quarter, and possibly cutting down the transfer ticket time, capitalizing on the fact that all the buses are full now I suppose, though they too are blaming it on higher gas prices.

Fuck. I'm gonna go and buy a good horse.
Indeed, the problem with public transport as an alternative is that it's almost, without fail, fucking terrible.

The Spanish raise good, solid horses.
I usually alternate between my motorcycle and my car depending on the weather. I live close to the mountains and need my car because I travel all over for lessons at different companies at different times of the day. Freelance is a bitch when gas prices are up.
I usually alternate between my motorcycle and my car depending on the weather. I live close to the mountains and need my car because I travel all over for lessons at different companies at different times of the day. Freelance is a bitch when gas prices are up.

What do you do anyways?
on a more serious note: I agree with Derek 100%. I take the metro to work instead of driving, which makes it an hour commute instead of 45 minutes but you know what... ?
I can read my book and relax on the metro while getting there instead of being annoyed in traffic.

Some peopl can make those changes, but some CANT - it's a matter of living too far, and away from public transportations, and those people that suffer the most
from gas prices...

I live 70 miles from my workplace and there is no mass transit that goes anywhere near there. I wish I could carpool, but no one lives anywhere near me.

Anytime I'm on the bus going into the city, I'm disgusted at how many cars there are with just a driver. I'm certain a good percent of those people could find alternate means.
What do you do anyways?

Teaching English to companies around the region. I work from a central location and we're farmed out to different corporations to teach these people English.

They think they can learn it like plugging a USB cable into a computer...they're a little surprised when they find out they actually have to work hard at learning. At least I'll always have a job.