Just hit 4 bucks a gallon here...
Currently figuring how much a horse will cost.
GAS ? Lol .. they just discovered it here in Greece .... all country is full of holes for the pipes ... so soon enough you will find out how much is here

Just hit 4 bucks a gallon here...
Currently figuring how much a horse will cost.
I'm not on a fixed income and I'm lucky to have $60 for myself to do whatever I want with after I pay my bills and rent. Fucking sucks ass. Rent keeps getting higher, and my pay stays the same. Miss one payment on any bill and next thing you know you're way behind.
I'm on the verge of taking the bus to work from now on and only driving when I need to. Maybe your mom could try that as well to save some coinage?
I usually alternate between my motorcycle and my car depending on the weather. I live close to the mountains and need my car because I travel all over for lessons at different companies at different times of the day. Freelance is a bitch when gas prices are up.
on a more serious note: I agree with Derek 100%. I take the metro to work instead of driving, which makes it an hour commute instead of 45 minutes but you know what... ?
I can read my book and relax on the metro while getting there instead of being annoyed in traffic.
Some peopl can make those changes, but some CANT - it's a matter of living too far, and away from public transportations, and those people that suffer the most
from gas prices...
What do you do anyways?