How much pinkage is in your collection?

i just hope you aren't part of the "i heard Pablo Honey and it sucks therefore so do they" crowd. :loco:
Plzdatemekthx said:
i just hope you aren't part of the "i heard Pablo Honey and it sucks therefore so do they" crowd. :loco:
truth, pablo honey is hardly an accurate representation of where the band is now and what they have done recently.

does broken social scene count as pinkage? because i'm listening to them right now. and after that it's the afghan whigs.
Plzdatemekthx said:
i just hope you aren't part of the "i heard Pablo Honey and it sucks therefore so do they" crowd. :loco:

Hell, had they simply stuck with the formulaic-yet-accessible alt-rock of Pablo Honey -> The Bends, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It was all the "we're too fucking smart for our own good" bullshit that came after those that irked me to no end.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Hell, had they simply stuck with the formulaic-yet-accessible alt-rock of Pablo Honey -> The Bends, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It was all the "we're too fucking smart for our own good" bullshit that came after those that irked me to no end.

Agreed. OK Computer's where they lost me.
somebody upload some god damn Coldplay because i want to know what the big comparison is plzkthxplzbye.
After Radiohead stubbornly refused to accept the mantle of world's biggest and most important rock band by releasing the willfully strange rocktronica fusion Kid A in 2000, Coldplay stepped up to the plate with their debut, Parachutes. Tasteful, earnest, introspective, anthemic, and grounded in guitars, the British quartet was everything Radiohead weren't but what the public wanted them to be, and benefited from the Oxford quintet's decision to abandon rock stardom for arcane art rock.
i mean reading this kind of shit just makes me roll my eyes in the Chodeplay direction, but i suppose that isn't entirely fair to the band, since they didn't write this. i've only heard about 8 seconds of them, on some BUY THEIR NEW CD FOR ONLY $18.98 + $7.95 SHIPPING!!! commercial.
Plzdatemekthx said:
somebody upload some god damn Coldplay because i want to know what the big comparison is plzkthxplzbye.

There IS no comparison (and I don't mean that in a facetious way). Radiohead & Coldplay sound 0% like each other. I guess all British bands that play alt-something are the same. :rolleyes:

If Coldplay sounds like anyone at all, it's U2 circa Boy > October > War era.
The song "Gloria" >>>>>>>> all of Coldplay's songs put together (plus their mothers... and Gwyneth)
Pyrus said:
The Proclaimers - This Is the Story & Sunshine on Leith


I have the single of that on tape still in the original cassette sleeve. :tickled:
MadeInNewJersey said:
There IS no comparison (and I don't mean that in a facetious way). Radiohead & Coldplay sound 0% like each other. I guess all British bands that play alt-something are the same. :rolleyes:

If Coldplay sounds like anyone at all, it's U2 circa Boy > October > War era.

I would say the main comparison is between Thom's & Chris' vocals, although Thoms are a bit more "out there."
Personally I don't think they are pretentious at all, without trying to start a pointless argument, I hate the mentality that if a band does something slightly odd and out of the ordinary then they are pretentious. For all the wierdness in Radiohead's music, they have never lost an ounce of emotion or musicality, I think it all just serves to enhance the music. While bands like Coldplay are definately solid songwriters and musicians, their music is very simple, you don't hear something new in the music everytime you listen to it and after a while it just becomes boring.

Anyway, that's all just my opinion.
honestly, i hate to see the word pretentious used to describe music. it doesn't make sense because when i think of a band being pretentious, it has NOTHING to do with their music, just the attitude. but then again i've always used the first, more traditional meaning of the word:


1. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
2. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious. See Synonyms at showy.

when i want to say a band's music is showy, i say "their music is too showy" god dammit. :loco: