How often do you get check ups?

How frequently do you get serviced?

  • Waiting for Obama care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I made an appt 2 yrs ago, still waiting. (CAN) option

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nemtheanga

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Annually

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  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I found out a good buddy has nut cancer today. Cat is only 30 and didnt get his junk checked until it swelled like New Orleans during Katrina. I honestly have really good insurance but cant be arsed with any of this. What about you fellas?
I don't get screenings and shit like that too often, the only times I ever go are when I get sick.
I only go when shit is clearly wrong. Currently, I haven't been to a doctor in 3 years.

At that time, my penis was all fucked up. I had to take dick pills for a week. How odd.
i'm 35. Just had a physical for my new job I'll start in about 2 weeks. every checked out great, even my nuts since some old ugly broad held them and I coughed.

i highly recommend getting checked once a year, if only blood work, piss, and blood pressure. the best thing to do is do the works once a year: blood pressure, blood work, piss, stress test, everything. I had all of it done once when I was having chest pains. turns out i'm fit as a fiddle, just have really bad stress and anxiety. that stress test is no joke.

unfortunately, there is no way to detect cancer unless you want to pay an assload for full body scans. you literally have to wait for cancer to start fucking you up
I don't go unless something seems abnormal. Last time I went to a primary care doc was a little over a year ago; thought I might have had strep (didn't). Haven't been to the crotch doctor in years, but I have seen my dermatologist twice this year.
I actually went in for a physical for the first time in seven years last week. The doctor seemed very confused. He asked me if I had any symptoms, felt bad or off. Said no. Checked blood pressure, for hernias, eyes, prostrate all that shit. Asked me if I wanted additional tests. Said sure, cholesterol, hormone, and asked for am STD test too. He kept asking about symptoms for that. I said no symptoms, but I'm a bit of a whore so figure was wise to check. When he called Tuesday to tell me cholesterol is normal, hormone levels are normal, and negative for all STDs he sounded very disappointed

I get my skin checked about 2 a year since Ive already had a few near misses in that regard. (biopsy report said it probably would have turned bad soon, never actually had cancer, thank the gods) Other than that I had a full physical as part of the recruitment process I had to go through a few months ago. Unless everything goes to hell I dont plan on doing that again soon though. The doc that checked my nuts was really hot though, so that was nice.