How should I deal with the volume of my snare?


Jun 16, 2011
So I am a little frustrated with my snare. It seems like in order to have it a a volume that sounds good it has to peak around -2 db while everything is down around -6 or -5 so when it hits the clipper (gclip) on the master bus it gets chopped off pretty bad. Am I just not EQing it right?
take off the Gclip on the masterbus? I never liked clipping on the masterbus to begin with, and actually I don't even have Gclip installed anymore.
its ran through ozone and gclip in the master. If i shouldnt use gclip, what would be a better alternative? Elephant is pretty good from what I hear.
Well a limiter and a clipper are two different types of tools. Personally I think the mix you posted sounds perfectly fine man!
thnks a lot! im still learning and this forum has really helped. i feel like it lacks life though..if that makes sense. Ill post this in the Rate my mix thread and see if someone has the secret to life haha