How Skyfire can make their next record fucking awesome...

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Don't do anything different.

I am serious.

The sound that you guys have on your albums is fine as is. Concentrate on the GUITAR MELODIES, as 99% of the bands in the same genre have either pussed out and dont write music like this anymore, or aren't clever enough. You do not need to do anything different IMO. The awesome guitar melodies on songs like Conjuring the Thoughts and A Dead Man's Race are fucking unbelievable. I just got into you guys like a month ago but fuck, this is exactly the type of music I love the most when it's executed properly.

Maybe one suggestion would be to have the vocals a little more varied, like Deep growls along with the screaming...just to mix it up a bit.

But, an unbelievable band Skyfire is, for sure. I can't believe I hadnt paid you any attention before. :headbang:
it will be the greatest album released this year, COB,Norther and Kalmah will have no sure...

I just listened to Timeless Departure and am now listening to Spectral and a thought occurred to me. A lot of bands have, in my opinion, really overproduced vocals, and usually it doesn't really bother me, but I think it would have been a big problem on Spectral. And the reason I say this is that the whole album has sort of a "spacey" feel to it, and I think Henrik's vocals which for lack of a better word and for the sake of this specific argument sound "organic" to me give the music a sort of "human" quality that otherwise might not be there. With other bands this usually isn't a problem because either the music isn't as out-there, or because it's intentionally even more out-there. But I think it's absolutely necessary if they're going for a more Timeless Departure feel like the rumor goes.
Jonas Kjellgren is mixing the new album and he's the best mixer in Sweden, so don't worry about production. :D

Anyways, I think what they meant by Timeless Departure feel was that they want the record to sound a bit more bombastic and epic like TD, and less laid back like Spectral.
Yeah, that's kind of what I figured, although rereading my post it looks like I thought they were gonna have TD-like production. I'm not really worried because I think Joakim is a good vocalist and also I'm super-excited about the super-secret surprise epic orchestra and choir samples.

Fun fact of right now: I'm tired as balls but Mind_Revolution is not over yet (I'm at Blinded by Euphoria) so I refuse to go to sleep.
Yeah, that's kind of what I figured, although rereading my post it looks like I thought they were gonna have TD-like production. I'm not really worried because I think Joakim is a good vocalist and also I'm super-excited about the super-secret surprise epic orchestra and choir samples.

Fun fact of right now: I'm tired as balls but Mind_Revolution is not over yet (I'm at Blinded by Euphoria) so I refuse to go to sleep.

To be honest, I think Skyfire was never really strong in the production department for the last 3 albums and I've actually said that to the band many times haha. Mind Revolution needed to be mastered better, Spectral's guitars sound a lot like Carcass' Swansong guitars (lol... =/), TD sounded rushed and yeah the vocals are buried. HOPEFULLY this will change with Esoteric because Jonas is veeerry good.