how sleeping rules


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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so lately instead of going out and doing stuff at night, i sometimes just go to bed real early or lie around with my dog watching tv and reluctantly taking him for walks in the sub-zero. nuthin wrong with that, right?
yea, i mean, im up early every day, and i get a lot of activity (with the dog and all)... so im fuckin tired. also i dont want to get fat or broke, and "doing stuff" generally involves money, food and/or beer. also, people are gay.
so i try to splain this to people and they are like "omigod youre weird" like somehow insulting me is going to motivate me to go out or something. um... i dont think so.
I rarely go out. Sometimes I have people over, but that's usually it. Staying home with the dogs is a good thing.

being said, it's gonna be quite interesting when the swedes come and I go on tour with them for a week. I haven't been that immeresed in 'the scene' for at least 3 years.

(for those that didn't know, I booked a tour and am roadie-ing for the band KVLR from Sweden so they can play SXSW)
Originally posted by BigFakeSmile
so i try to splain this to people and they are like "omigod youre weird" like somehow insulting me is going to motivate me to go out or something. um... i dont think so.

those people are just mongoloids.
cool all my family members are mongoloids.

"dude why don't you go out, don't you have any friends? Why are you such a loner."

umm because I have no money and the money I have I'm saving for sweet metal CDs, because metal CDs are better friends than people.
i hate sleeping. i always think i am wasting time or missing something. i keep constantly remembering how little i know and how much i should be reading.
BUT, i mean, i spend lots of time alone. i think some people GET their energy from other people. and then there are people like me, who expend TONS of energy when i have to be social, and i feel drained, so i need to be alone to get energy. so i don't go out much.
i can't express myself without emoticons and linked images. :(
