how the hell do they know when milk expires?


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
i swear ... 1 day after the expiration date on the carton ... and it's smells bad already.

how the hell do they know when it will go bad? :loco:
One time my milk was still good like a week after the date, I had a small celebration every time I had a glass.
Erik said:
I totally sucked a a chemistry test today, so I doubt it.

*hand raised for the need of getting laid*

Anyway, I decided to not take chemistry this year and I must say that it was the best decision of me life. All my friends do is bitch about how they can't leave the house due to hours of chem homework. Boo.
:cry: @ needing to get laid

Edit: I have to take Chemistry in the fall and it is going to be, in conjunction with A & P, hell. I'm putting myself through it for the sole purpose of getting out of community college and, well, college in general. Actually, I think the condensed 8 week version of Biology is going to suck far worse.
Erik said:
Chemistry is shit. I fucking hate it. This is the third time I attempt to fucking pass this course, and well I guess I will, but only if I turn in one last piece of crap

Yes, chemistry is indeed crap. I'm probably going to have to take it in college just because I dodged it this year, but I'm going to try with every last fiber in my body to avoid it yet again.