how to achieve nice vocal "clipping" -no metal

May 17, 2007
I´m going to record this rock n roll band ( soon, and I`m thinking about how I want the vocals to be. (generally, the complete production will challenge me, because I come from metal recordings, where its ok to use samples and everything has to be loud etc. so this is smth. completely diff.)
they want the record to sound like the old zeppelin stuff. so here`s my main question:

how do I get nice vocal "clipping" or distortion as heard on for example the old zeppelin or hendrix stuff or norah jones?

do I need like a vintage mic pre or comp? the only hardware I own is a firepod...., so I`m thinking about getting me some stuff like that.
and which mic would be good for this kind of voice? dyn. or condensor?

plus, if I`m already asking....:
-where do you pan the guitar in this music style (only 1 guitarist)? and do you double, so you have it stereo-->L/R?
thanx guys!

ps: is this gonna help me? (or is it worth smth.? looks cool, and its vintage!!) CLICK
if youre recording digitally, there is no nice clipping. only horrid distortion.

if you want a nice, "vintage" distortion, record to tape and hit the tape a little hard. tape compression, if done right, will sound nice.
Run the vocal to disk within non-clipping range then process it with something like PSP Vintage Warmer. Unless you're using expensive preamps or genuine tape you can't really achieve that tone without post processing.
a few ideas

a tube mic driven hard

mult vox with a tube screamer, or the sansamp, just like reamping only with vocals

a green bullet in conjunction with your main vocal mic

one mic straight to the pre, one mic going through a guitar amp in the back of the room, mix to taste (this one is fun)

tape saturation as mentioned