How to bargain in camera shops

Ah nice one, glad to hear you give it the thumbs up. :) Thanks for the link - those shots look good.

So what's the go with formatting the memory card? How often etc and why? I've never owned a digital before, so don't know about these things.

The IR-300 doesn't have an optical viewfinder, but I suppose if I got a spare battery that wouldn't be too much of a problem.

I've hardly ever heard any Bill Hicks stuff. Should rectify that really.
Digital cameras allow you to delete pictures as you go, or format the card and wipe everything off in one hit. There is a difference - imagine you have a chalk board with writing on it. You could use the board rubber to get rid of the writing, and it would be fine to use again but it would have residue from the previous chalk marks. Or you could get soap and water and clean it all off properly. Thats the difference between deleting and formatting. There is nothing wrong with deleting images, you wont kill your card by doing it, but once you've downloaded all your piccies or you've had them all printed, and you don't need them on the card anymore, format it. It's easy to do, your instruction manual will show you. If you were to just to use the delete function over time the card would become corrupt. You might still be able to use the card after a format, but if you have any pictures on it you'd lose them. At least twice a day I break the news to some poor bastard that the pictures from their dream holiday are gone, all because they didn't use the format function.

You need Bill Hicks in your life.
You should be able to get around 150 - 200 shots off before the battery goes. The optical viewfinder is more useful for very bright or very dark situations where the screen can't really operate well. Olympus are using a new screen technology to try and overcome those problems, and like most modern cameras it copes quite well. My camera is ancient and I still use the screen instead of the vf. You shouldnt have any probs. :) A spare battery is a good thing to get anyway, it's always nice when you're on holiday or out for the day, gives you a nice sense of security. :)
Ah I see - I'll have to keep the formatting thing in mind and remind myself to do it regularly. It all makes sense...

150-200 seems likely a pretty reasonable number. I'd never take that many between charges here, but overseas there's a fair chance I could. It'd be a shit to run out of power when in the jungle or up a mountain or in Adelaide or something. I had heard that the Olympus screens are pretty good, which is nice. :) It all sounds pretty good really!

Ah it's nice to have a resident camera expert!
Get a cam with AA batteries if possible, and stock up on rechargables. THough Olympus cams prob are AA these days.......... Also, a spare memory card will come in handy one day when you forget to take photos off your cam before going out, or if one card plays up while you're out.. A thing about cards - you can get em very cheap online and sometimes from computer stores... They're getting cheaper and cheaper.

Dreamy, hadn't heard that one about formatting cards before. I've nearly hit 10,000 shots on two cards, haven't had any problems yet.... I'm going to go format my cards now.... I hope I haven't jinxed myself ;) What's the bet I lose a stack of shots sometime soon? hehehhe
I personally wouldn't use a digital camera with AA's, makes the camera too heavy and bulky, they don't last as long and you really need to buy rechargeables which they rarely come with. Think about it - you don't worry about using proprietary batteries on your mobile phone, why worry on a camera? :)

Consider that my top tip on digital cameras - format!! :)
Mark said:
Certainly is :) *bows to the Great Bill*

I first saw Bill on the world's dirtiest dozen comedians video when i was about 14. Was listening to rant in E-minor the other day at work and no one comes close to Bill when analyzing the world and its troubles...... don't worry there's another dick joke comming soon :rock:
We'll all float down to dick joke island, rest our heads against the big purple vein trunks of dick jokes, on our comfy beanbag scrotum chairs and laugh ourselves til dawn :lol: Or something thereabouts :p
dreamwatch said:
I personally wouldn't use a digital camera with AA's, makes the camera too heavy and bulky, they don't last as long and you really need to buy rechargeables which they rarely come with. Think about it - you don't worry about using proprietary batteries on your mobile phone, why worry on a camera? :)

Consider that my top tip on digital cameras - format!! :)

I prefer AA's because you can get them from nearly anywhere if you need them....Same with the charger, you can get a cheap one that will plug into your cars cigarrette lighter. Contrast that to the Li Ions that the DSLRs use, which people don't always stock, and which you have to pay a ridiculous amount for a car charger.....Ah well, take it as an investment I guess, like all other camera gear ;)

I guess the weight doesn't bother me, i prefer a slightly heavy camera over the little compact ones. But that's just personal preference :)

I shall go format those memory cards now :)
Bill was such a sad loss. What I find amazing is that everything he was saying 14 or 15 years ago is still fucking topical, in just about everything in American and worldwide society in general. Imagine how fucking funny he would be now, the U.S. Government would of had him killed off by now I guess
I've been trying to weigh up AA vs Li Ion thing. Haven't been sure which would be best.... Size is quite an important factor for me, as one of the reasons I want a digital is that I want to be able to carry it around everywhere if I feel like it, which is something I can't do with my SLR.