Funny, I was hovering over the 600 myself today - staff can buy it for £99 at the moment, so I was quite tempted. I currently own a MJU300 which I love, I've always been an Olympus fan. The 600 is a nice camera, lovely large bright screen, lots of different scene modes and operation seems nice and quick, very little shutter lag and autofocus was snappy. I haven't been able to find any reviews of it online yet though. I read a review of the 800, its big brother, and the reviewer mentioned over sharpening and noise on higher ISO's as bit of an issue (more than usual), but said that over all image quality was great, and colour reproduction was excellent. However it is bigger, and there is no sound on the movie clip mode which may or may not bother you. All round a good buy, but there are smaller cameras out there is size is an issue.