how to cope?


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
have you ever lost a really good friend (not like death, I mean lost a fellowship) or felt deserted by your real pal? I've been trying to cope with stuff like that for the longest while, but nothing seems to heal the wound. it gets so lonely sometimes, I guess that's why I'm here so often too...cus right now it feels like you people who I barely know are the closest I have to calling a friend.
And this is not a cry for sympathy or anything, I would just like some suggestion from anyone who had a similar experience and overcame it.Thanks!
to sum it up, this is what I feel like:

"It was solid
Yet everchanging
It was different
Yet the same
So I starve myself for energy

Superimposed on the elements of anger
| fear | anxiety | hate | despair | remorse" - Mikael Stanne
hmmmm.... after being called an embarrassment by my ex-best friend of 2 years who i thought of as a sister.... i wrote this

Memories of all we have been through and seen
Tarnished are the once-loved remembrances
Vacant hearts – lost in the tears of fate
Lost in the Tears of Reality

Living off the tortures I have been dealt
Mirror to all I despise
Shadowed by what is not I
Why have I lost myself?

I forever...
...have started...
...raining sadness
Mental oceans...
...are regretful

Dissolved into...
...lost visions.
Broken sculptures.
Pieces crumble... our lives’ rusted structures

Defaced columns…
…of my heart…
Fluid torment
Vocal daggers of destruction…
…come to take your life.

Look what you’ve done
I’ve died for dreaming...
Dreams of laughter...
Lived out sorrow

Betrayal is now your focus in life
Hellish blazing fires bursting through my eyes
Burning free your flesh to melt away my disease
Stealing now, your deepest cherished desires

Freezing yourself in time, past of laughs and more
Currently defeating all we had in store
Later on, you will see- you have then been dimmed
That’s the time you’ll realize...
I’m no longer him.

Pain feasts on me
Hunger you now feed
Life- what you see
Death- reach to me

Tinted glass…
Fades you out…
This is done to forget you
Can be cruel…
When you’re hurt
By a friend who once healed you

Wishful thoughts of past
These damaged hopes now last
What shall now be done?
A gallows’s structure has begun

Your rope
My life

Your time

The call
You fall

Words erased from stone
Chisel brand new thoughts of my own
Forget all you’ve said
Brush the dust of hate I’ve been fed
Now, what do you fear?
Is thee hurt in what you now hear?
Who cares if I’ve cried?
Wouldn’t even phase you if I died

Ruled my life
From the cards you drew
Looking down at you in spite
Make believe
You are gone from sight

I’ve… bled
Dripping through the veins of my dread
Floor has now been soaked
Stained here by the life you have choked
Deep regret in mind?
Bother none, for you will not find
My forgiving side
What you search for has been destroyed

Eyes will see you now through the fire
Let’s see what goal in life you retire

You like what you see?
Fragments of what I used to be
I move on in life
Future hopeful for a wife
Family of my own
Treasures for this man to be sewn
There’s no place for you
So I let you fade away

From my life…
Here’s the grave I am digging
Just for you…
Tomb of stone…
Unmarked grave is all for you

Pieces of my life
Glued here by the dark
Alone I shall stay
Writing of my heart that’s been frayed

“I have forever been lost within the tears of my own reality”

and this

Forever to walk the land alone
Apparent nonsense to you I've thrown
Lulled to sleep by my own sobbing
Death should call, with my brain a-throbbing

My only fear has now come true
All hope of love has drained on through
Lonely days with tears that pour
Self-hatred reigns forevermore

Dreams of walking hand-in-hand
To my regret, have all been canned
Us, as one, would have been great
It is not you, but me I hate

Oh, how I wish to change your mind
But words of change I cannot find
It is your choice, forever decided
Though, it was the hope of us I prided

All I've wanted out of life
Was the love from a future wife
I have tried many times before
Hexed by a curse without a cure

From tears to blood, flowing from my eyes
Instead of clear, red it dries
Cried too much for the glands to take
Dried my soul to watch it chip and break

Release my pain into a bullet
Spread to all who see me through it
Destiny makes my life end
For what will make my brain amend

Help from all is what I'd seek
Push aside what may seem bleak
Fortress of despair is my holy temple
Cast aside is my darkened castle

Walls are bare from hundreds of years
Trapped inside of me with fears
My pleasant nightmare Fortress stands
Built here by my own two hands

My nightmares distanced apart from yours
Mine depressive while yours of gores
I fear not from what you have bled
Desolate spaces within my head

My fear of loneliness is my Fortress
Rags of pain in me redress
Hope has gone from inside these halls
My mental health now slowly falls

As I shock myself with tools of man
Electric death from my cooling fan
No more pain to grip at me
An open casket for you to see.

and this....

Resting my head
Bound to see your face
You are the one I look for
Over-under every place

Though you are nonexistent
As I wish you weren't
Please come and heal me
Grip my heart with kindness

You are not alive
You were never even born
So from today to my death
I give up on my search for you

Never will I find a person
To heal me of my wounds
Yet, my heart aches for love
As my eyes wash the pillows

Dead, I should be
But, I have not given in
Even with a heart so empty
I roam the land without a purpose.

not to mention this...

Once again I lay here alone
Staring blankly at my ceiling
Though I see a blank structure
My mind sees myself happy

I think back to how I was
Thinking back to over a year ago
Nothing could harm me
I was once content

The source of my pain
Is no longer from my past
I have now realized it is here
Revolving around my vacant heart

I yearn for love
Yet I do not want the pain it brings
I am not special nor good-looking
Why am I destined to be alone?

so yes, i think i can relate
Well, I guess I can relate, but in a different way... I have a close friend who's trying to kill himself... He OD'd on his dog's medicine in a suicide attempt, went through a 2 week coma, and is now in a phsyciatric hospital (did I spell that right?). I guess I kinda feel rejected in a way because I take it as him saying that our friendship isn't worth being alive for...

Oh, by the way, I'm new to this forum, but I've been browsing around a lot and getting to know people, so, you'll see a lot more of me.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
hmmmm.... after being called an embarrassment by my ex-best friend of 2 years who i thought of as a sister.... i wrote this

Memories of all we have been through and seen
Tarnished are the once-loved remembrances
Vacant hearts – lost in the tears of fate
Lost in the Tears of Reality

Living off the tortures I have been dealt
Mirror to all I despise
Shadowed by what is not I
Why have I lost myself?

I forever...
...have started...
...raining sadness
Mental oceans...
...are regretful

Dissolved into...
...lost visions.
Broken sculptures.
Pieces crumble... our lives’ rusted structures

Defaced columns…
…of my heart…
Fluid torment
Vocal daggers of destruction…
…come to take your life.

Look what you’ve done
I’ve died for dreaming...
Dreams of laughter...
Lived out sorrow

Betrayal is now your focus in life
Hellish blazing fires bursting through my eyes
Burning free your flesh to melt away my disease
Stealing now, your deepest cherished desires

Freezing yourself in time, past of laughs and more
Currently defeating all we had in store
Later on, you will see- you have then been dimmed
That’s the time you’ll realize...
I’m no longer him.

Pain feasts on me
Hunger you now feed
Life- what you see
Death- reach to me

Tinted glass…
Fades you out…
This is done to forget you
Can be cruel…
When you’re hurt
By a friend who once healed you

Wishful thoughts of past
These damaged hopes now last
What shall now be done?
A gallows’s structure has begun

Your rope
My life

Your time

The call
You fall

Words erased from stone
Chisel brand new thoughts of my own
Forget all you’ve said
Brush the dust of hate I’ve been fed
Now, what do you fear?
Is thee hurt in what you now hear?
Who cares if I’ve cried?
Wouldn’t even phase you if I died

Ruled my life
From the cards you drew
Looking down at you in spite
Make believe
You are gone from sight

I’ve… bled
Dripping through the veins of my dread
Floor has now been soaked
Stained here by the life you have choked
Deep regret in mind?
Bother none, for you will not find
My forgiving side
What you search for has been destroyed

Eyes will see you now through the fire
Let’s see what goal in life you retire

You like what you see?
Fragments of what I used to be
I move on in life
Future hopeful for a wife
Family of my own
Treasures for this man to be sewn
There’s no place for you
So I let you fade away

From my life…
Here’s the grave I am digging
Just for you…
Tomb of stone…
Unmarked grave is all for you

Pieces of my life
Glued here by the dark
Alone I shall stay
Writing of my heart that’s been frayed

“I have forever been lost within the tears of my own reality”

and this

Forever to walk the land alone
Apparent nonsense to you I've thrown
Lulled to sleep by my own sobbing
Death should call, with my brain a-throbbing

My only fear has now come true
All hope of love has drained on through
Lonely days with tears that pour
Self-hatred reigns forevermore

Dreams of walking hand-in-hand
To my regret, have all been canned
Us, as one, would have been great
It is not you, but me I hate

Oh, how I wish to change your mind
But words of change I cannot find
It is your choice, forever decided
Though, it was the hope of us I prided

All I've wanted out of life
Was the love from a future wife
I have tried many times before
Hexed by a curse without a cure

From tears to blood, flowing from my eyes
Instead of clear, red it dries
Cried too much for the glands to take
Dried my soul to watch it chip and break

Release my pain into a bullet
Spread to all who see me through it
Destiny makes my life end
For what will make my brain amend

Help from all is what I'd seek
Push aside what may seem bleak
Fortress of despair is my holy temple
Cast aside is my darkened castle

Walls are bare from hundreds of years
Trapped inside of me with fears
My pleasant nightmare Fortress stands
Built here by my own two hands

My nightmares distanced apart from yours
Mine depressive while yours of gores
I fear not from what you have bled
Desolate spaces within my head

My fear of loneliness is my Fortress
Rags of pain in me redress
Hope has gone from inside these halls
My mental health now slowly falls

As I shock myself with tools of man
Electric death from my cooling fan
No more pain to grip at me
An open casket for you to see.

and this....

Resting my head
Bound to see your face
You are the one I look for
Over-under every place

Though you are nonexistent
As I wish you weren't
Please come and heal me
Grip my heart with kindness

You are not alive
You were never even born
So from today to my death
I give up on my search for you

Never will I find a person
To heal me of my wounds
Yet, my heart aches for love
As my eyes wash the pillows

Dead, I should be
But, I have not given in
Even with a heart so empty
I roam the land without a purpose.

not to mention this...

Once again I lay here alone
Staring blankly at my ceiling
Though I see a blank structure
My mind sees myself happy

I think back to how I was
Thinking back to over a year ago
Nothing could harm me
I was once content

The source of my pain
Is no longer from my past
I have now realized it is here
Revolving around my vacant heart

I yearn for love
Yet I do not want the pain it brings
I am not special nor good-looking
Why am I destined to be alone?

so yes, i think i can relate
that is very good writing, I can relate to alot of it. thanks for posting
you just have to realize that shit happens and not let it change you as a person. Continue to be kind and caring, and let this pass. Just be who you are. Be strong man, when it comes down to it, you're all you've got.
Child of the Night said:
Well, I guess I can relate, but in a different way... I have a close friend who's trying to kill himself... He OD'd on his dog's medicine in a suicide attempt, went through a 2 week coma, and is now in a phsyciatric hospital (did I spell that right?). I guess I kinda feel rejected in a way because I take it as him saying that our friendship isn't worth being alive for...

Oh, by the way, I'm new to this forum, but I've been browsing around a lot and getting to know people, so, you'll see a lot more of me.
I know how you feel, rejection is a bitch! bitch squared!
FretsAflame said:
you just have to realize that shit happens and not let it change you as a person. Continue to be kind and caring, and let this pass. Just be who you are. Be strong man, when it comes down to it, you're all you've got.
*when it comes down to it, you're all you've got." I like that, I will try my best to think positive.
metal17 said:
*when it comes down to it, you're all you've got." I like that, I will try my best to think positive.

Good stuff - remember, you can survive alone. Not the most fun thing though...

there's always gonna be someone to connect with though - and if someone stabs you in the back now - fuck them. If someone treats you like shit they dont really know you - they dont matter, so dont worry about it.

Also - some friends come and go - dont be afraid to throw yourself into a relationship. If you dont put in your all it'll never last anyway - sometimes it's worth the risk. If things don't work out, that's the time to internalize and remember that you live for you and noone else. If things do work out then... well... no worries mate! If you ever want to b.s. feel free to im me man.
Friends who betray you aren't friends. Loyalty should be repayed with loyalty. But on the other hand, sometimes it's just petty stuff to the other person; they don't see it as a betrayal. Accidental Judas...where that came from, I dunno. But yeah, just think on if your friends actually turned their backs on you or what.

Shit happens. You step in it. You can either sit around with a stick trying to scrape it out from between the treads of your shoes, or you can just walk it off.

So keep going. The shit will fade.
This is sad news. But if you are into writing or poetry or
painting, let it inspire you. Some of the best albums are the
result of someone going through incredible pain at the loss
of someone - like "Dreaming Neon Black" for example :)
on_THC_24-7 said:
This is sad news. But if you are into writing or poetry or
painting, let it inspire you. Some of the best albums are the
result of someone going through incredible pain at the loss
of someone - like "Dreaming Neon Black" for example :)
yep dreaming Neon is my fav! cheers to u! :headbang:
sometimes people just grow apart. all the sudden you feel you have nothing in common with someone so you dont really want to spend time with them (perhaps this is what happened?) but if someone fucks you over its becuase they're an asshole. they're the one with a problem, not you. you dont need asshole friends. so i dunno. personal strength or whatever. everyone else already gave good advice.
So goes life Metal17. Just don't do what I did at my lowest point. I became an alcoholic at a very young age (I'm still very young) and I regret it. Just don't develop a vice. Also, Keep a positive mindstate. There are people everywhere, a lot of which are probably like you. However, these people won't come to you. You have to do something for yourself and make an attempt to find them. For example, go to local venues and just hang out. Another thing that helps is to find a woman, getting action always cures the lonlies.
I agree with Frets... I've been feeling extremely betrayed a lot lately, most of all by the girl that I really do think I love, but I just try to remind myself that this shit happens, and I need to stay strong, otherwise the world wins. The world is out to tear us all down, so fuck the world, tear IT down! *goes and fucks shit up*... k, I feel better now.

That's another thing, if you gotta vent, vent. Don't bottle a lot up, it only makes it worse. And just remember - someday you're going to be a kickass, standup guy who everyone likes and wants to meet, you'll leave a lasting great impression on everyone, and you'll be able to just give the finger to all those people who snuffed you out. You're above anyone who backstabs, you're not a lying thief. So stand tall, stand proud, and FIGHT! (maybe too much power metal lately, or too much talking to army recruiters)