How to earn cash getting CUBASE SX!


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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If you are thinking about buying CUBASE SX to pester the world with your pungend non-talent musicasticle mayham let me give you some advise. Buy/steal/borrow(though you need the printer-key) any Cubase VST product as old as YO mama! 1.0-5.0 VST does not matter. Then buy the UPGRADE to Cubase sx 2.0 and you have saved yourself $500! I truelly rock for the stingy people! Yes I will post in this post some horrid music later (in about five month? Anyway after someone makes an ASS-head out of them selves (TUT?) ) :heh: Just wanted to let you know! -Moth

*If you are not pleased I will send German "HELGAS" after you to strangle you with their "love-braids" and you shall feel the wratih of EU LOFFFffffeeee.
fuck 2.0 I'm a hardcore 1.0 user :) it has everything I need! (the power to multi track audio!) I practically play everything in (THE WAY IT FUCKING SHOULD BE DONE!) except some midi drums I trigger from my keyboard or vst.