How to fail like me 101

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So earlier today I listened to Dandelium's mix he put up. The guitars were so punchy and clear, something i felt i haven't experienced in a while. So i spent a good hour or 2 trying to get a nice punchy tone and no matter what I did, it wouldn't happen. Then i thought, maybe its my gear? But being ignorant i said "No! I just suck at everything!" So being more frustrated for another hour i decided to blame my gear. About a month ago i bought a Hartke HT20 chromatic tuner just to have a tuner sitting around. I has been in my guitar chain on bypass for the past 2 weeks. My chain is Epiphone Explorer -> Tuner -> Countryman type 85 -> Profire 610. I took the tuner out of the chain and punchier and cleaner tone instantly! Here is a sample and hear is a pic of the two. As you can see, the tuner takes all the life out of then clean signal.

Sample (the first time is with the tuner, second is without)


Inb4 your a fucking idiot hardy har har (that means you Gareth :p )
Did you have a specific reason to use a hardware tuner instead of a software one? doesn't make any sense to me :confused:
Anyone know about Boss tu-2? same shit? i was gonna use it as a DI box. :ill:

This will not work as a DI box at all, the purpose of a DI box is to amplify the signal of a guitar to be as loud as a microphone signal making it much more clear and responsive, and a tuner tunes. I just had it in my set up cause it was convienent
Did you have a specific reason to use a hardware tuner instead of a software one? doesn't make any sense to me :confused:

haha idk, i never really have liked software tuners, not they are bad or anything. I used to use reapitch all the time but the prob with that is it causes more latency as opposed to a hardware tuner
Did you have a specific reason to use a hardware tuner instead of a software one? doesn't make any sense to me :confused:

Personally I've always found software tuners to be a bit of a pain in the arse. There's no reason why they should be but they always are. Strange...

This will not work as a DI box at all, the purpose of a DI box is to amplify the signal of a guitar to be as loud as a microphone signal making it much more clear and responsive, and a tuner tunes. I just had it in my set up cause it was convienent

Ohhh you're almost there. A DI box doesn't amplify. It changes impedance from Hi-Z (guitar impedance) to Lo-Z (mic impedance) so you can use balanced cables and go straight into a mic preamp. This is because plugging a guitar straight into a mic/line input will cause colouration due to the impedance mismatch.
I put my tuner on the aux out on my mixer. Any thing that needs a tuner, guitar, bass, I just dial up the aux send on that channel. You can do the same thing with the though on a DI.
The purpose of the DI box is to match impedance in the first place,if you don't have Hi-Z instrument input.I run
Line6 Ubermetal bypassed into "Hi-Z" of M-Audio Firewire Solo,and it sounds much better than when going straight into Hi-Z...
the problem is Hi-Z on FW Solo is lame,it's only 470k,while it should be at least 1M impedance.
in theory any stompbox (not true bypass)will do the job,in reality all stompoxes sound different bypassed.probably Line6 also suck,
i just have no better option at the i wondered if Tu-2 would be any better.

is there significant diffirence between Countryman and 610 Hi-Z inputs?
610 got 1M imp. so it should not be much worse,no?
are you using passive pickups?
The purpose of the DI box is to match impedance in the first place,if you don't have Hi-Z instrument input.I run
Line6 Ubermetal bypassed into "Hi-Z" of M-Audio Firewire Solo,and it sounds much better than when going straight into Hi-Z...
the problem is Hi-Z on FW Solo is lame,it's only 470k,while it should be at least 1M impedance.
in theory any stompbox (not true bypass)will do the job,in reality all stompoxes sound different bypassed.probably Line6 also suck,
i just have no better option at the i wondered if Tu-2 would be any better.

is there significant diffirence between Countryman and 610 Hi-Z inputs?
610 got 1M imp. so it should not be much worse,no?
are you using passive pickups?

I couldnt think of the right wording for it when i said boost the signal, but you are right about that and that is what i meant in my post. And i cant really hear tooo much of a difference, but it doesnt hurt to run the countryman just in case.
I would never have my tuner in the chain unless I was a bass player sporting an amp that had a "tuner out" on the back of it.

Although, I can't say I would care that much if we were talking live setups.

In fact, when I'm recording I go as minimal as possible. 6' guitar cable and no pedals if they are not being used. When I reamp I use a 6" guitar cable from the reamp box to the head.
you could just have the tuner come out from the amp jack on the countryman, that way you can always have your tuner on and it doesn't mess with your di signal.
Guys do you know how much impedance has an POD 2.0 output ? I'm using it all bypassed and in tube setting. It works. But do you know how much impedance has it in its out ? There is nothing about it in the manual.

Thank you.