how to gain weight

You should give me instructions for gaining about 10lbs and keeping it, preferrably 10lbs of muscle without any excercise in addition to what I already do.
i actually had to make up a plan for my dad to gain almost 20 pounds. it worked.
i'd recommend eating more often, and smaller meals. and eating peanut butter! and rice. and if you can handle them, met-rx bars.
Also, is it true that developing muscle fiber helps you burn more fat?

I know lifting weights/etc will eventually make you heavier, but if the above is true, wouldn't it be wise to run/jog after lifting weights? I don't know if I'm making myself clear, but basically, what I heard is that the more muscle you develop, the more fat you a buff guy burns more fat by jogging/cardio workout than a scrawny (or fat) guy doing the same.

Make sense?
the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn, yes. because keeping muscle flexed just for posture or sleeping even burns more calories than fat in its place.
the basic idea in losing calories is to eat slightly less than you do, and eat more whole food (less junk food, more things that are natural, like rice, versus white bread, for example) these are easier to digest and are less likely to be turned to fat by your liver. also, exercise, even a moderate 20 minute walk per day will help you lose weight. this website can give you some calculators to figure out your ideal weight, how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight (which can help you figure out how many you need to lose) and an exercise calculator.

basically though, eat less. an amount that is reasonable, but less. eat more meals but smaller. and get some exercise.
all this shit is a myth. i eat healthy, and i walk/run/jog my dog like constantly, and im totally in the flab-zone.

lose the bread sxexfersxe - its the enemy! oh and NO BEER

I weighed 182lbs last Thursday night. So on friday, I didn't eat that much (not because of the weight problem, but because I felt kind of sick) except par of a cucumber salad with crab meat and a sushi roll (though I did drink about 6 liters of water throughout the day). That's all I ate. So I go to the gym and work out for upwards of 2 hours....during that time, I drank around 3.2 liters of water and didn't take a piss.

So after I'm done, I go to weigh myself and....:zombie: FIVE pounds heavier than 23 hours ago :/ Is this a perfect example of retaining water, or was that sushi roll made of pizza?

the_preppy said:
also, exercise, even a moderate 20 minute walk per day will help you lose weight. this website can give you some calculators to figure out your ideal weight, how many calories you need to eat to maintain your weight (which can help you figure out how many you need to lose) and an exercise calculator.

basically though, eat less. an amount that is reasonable, but less. eat more meals but smaller. and get some exercise.
Thanks for the advice. I do excercise everyday, and I run at least 1.5 miles before lifting weights, etc. I also substituted sodas and whatnot for water...and I don't eat junk food. Last january, I weighed 205 pounds, now I'm 182 (or 187, depending on whether or not I was retaining water), but I can't seem to get any 'lighter' than that.

Thanks for the linkage+advice though, it'll be really helpful :)

BigFakeSmile said:
oh and NO BEER
i'm a carb-lover--i can't leave out bread/rice/pasta/potatoes! i guess i could leave out beer, but my understanding is that Jack & Cokes are at least as bad for you as beers.
it sounds like water retention.
either way, sometimes people losing weight reach a 'plateau' where their metabolism is matched by their activity. you may want to consider varying your exercise a little. like i said, sometimes when people eat TOO little they hit a plateau because their metabolism stops working as hard. you should find out (on that site) how many calories you need and make sure you not go too low, otherwise you'll burn yourself out and never be able to stick with it. my guess is, honestly? you're not eating enough, which i know sounds weird. but really... make sure you eat enough calories or you're body may start burning muscle for energy instead of fat (a bizarre energy system thing with the liver and glycogen) and you will lose muscle and retain fat because your body is in a 'we might starve, we need to keep this' mode. i suggest eating at least every 3 hours. and not within a few hours of bed.

the reason i feel confident telling you this is because i've helped a lot of people reasonably lose weight and keep it off (my sister went from a 16 to a 4). i'm pretty good with it. i'm also pretty slim if i do say so myself.