How to get a sweet PL-like lead guitar?


Nov 23, 2007
I've figured out how to make tight rythmguitar sounds over the last years, but something I'm often struggling with are singing leadguitars in the style of Paradise Lost.
Sounds with a lot of sustain and reverb that fit in the mix without an aggressive bite in the high mids.

What do you use for leadguitars? Amps, impulses, effects, EQ etc.?
Thx. I'm glad you're answering, since your band is a reference for me as well.

Do you use bridge or neck PU for lead stuff? I think neck suits the style more, but in the mix it always seems to be too upfront and annoying, while the bridge leads are easier to handle, but too thin and nasty on the other hand.
Just reading this can it be confirmed is it indeed the neck pickup?

Ive always worried that I am bullshitting myself with this cos the bridge is so much more cutting but it does as you say bite too much.
don't forget good technique and a good sounding guitar with great sustain.
sustain is one of those things that really depend on the guitar, and no amount of gain can help you there.
We go back and forth a lot between neck and bridge. Sometimes the neck is too tubby, sometimes the bridge too sharp, but the main thing is just to play with it until it sounds smoother. The lowpass can help with this as well.
It's normally lower than the rhythm guitars. I don't have a number in my head-- I'd guess between 6-10k-- I just sweep around until the "fizz" is gone from the sustained notes. Sometimes I'll add a high shelf just below the LP to buy back some air.
Interesting, I wouldn't have thought of filtering lower than the rhythms, I'll have to try that. What guitars do Charlie and Barre use for leads? (I think only Barre does leads? Not sure) cause Im convinced the wood and pups are pretty much 90% of what makes a good fat sustained lead tone, Its impossible for me to get DD/PL like leads on a Gibson SG