how to get the band played on radio, in the biggest market in the U.S


Jul 20, 2002
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On a hard rock, metal show on sat. nights and fri. nights from 10pm to 2am 102.7 wnew. Eddie Trunk the host plays lots of requests, lets get him the new CD. Maybe inside out will get on it and send it. His website is This show is on in the tri-state area, in symph x own backyard.
Eddie has started to play some new power metal, the only prog is dream theater, the show is mostly all the classic well known bands, lets get symphony x exposed to some of the masses. His show also streams on knac, so even if your not from the tri-state area, email him and make a request to hear symphony x. If your from the area, make the request as the show is on. Believe me he w
ill play it if he has it and you guys request it.
He has a huge audience, the toll free request line is 877-692-1027, make requests 10 till 2 fri and sat. keep the requests focused on symph x so he plays at least something from the new record. Also email inside out, so they send him a copy of the new record.
eddie trunk only (just about) plays hair metal and if he played some power metal it must have reminded him of some other hair metal band back in the 80s.

If you want my opinion on radio play etc, I think it should start on college radio where new people will start hearing the music and the more people who listen and like, bigger stations would eventually pick up on it.

Just a couple days ago i played Of Sins and Shadows on my show and a guy called in and asked if i just played some Yngwie. I set him straight and he really liked the other stuff i was playing as well. Start one by one. thats just my opinion

But in retrospect i know that large stations would not be too keen on playing 8 minute songs.

p.s. thursdays 10am to 11:30 am
(yeah it was a shameless plug, but its always cool to have listeners :))
Well, here in Detroit, we had a guy named Rich Vitale who played all sorts of Prog and Prog Metal. I heard almost every band I love now from that show. He left and went to some other city in Michigan, though.:(
His site was