
New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2014
Hi guys , I' m totally in love with the sound of this band called "Stray From the Path", I think they' re produced by Will Putney

Here' s the link to a song :

does anyone know how to achieve this "in your face" (supercompressed) punch with the drums?

I'm using SD2 and I know a lot about compression, parallel compression, envelope shaping ecc, I can make my drums sound quite punchy, but I can't reach this "smack" and when I try to push with the compressors, I end up with a big sound, but not punchy enough.

There are also some side problems like the compressors are reacting too much and the snare and kicks rolls are too lowered in volume. D: but when I back off a bit, I lose all the punch that I liked in the single hits...

thanks for any help!

Will has the absolute sickest drum sounds. Most of his stuff is natural drums with the drum bus slammed and saturated/distorted from what I know. He's incredible, that's about 90% of it.
i read somewhere (might have been the TAIM "Hate" thread) that he likes to give drums multiple passes through outboard comps.
This is a pretty interesting video, you can spot some things, I'm aware that this isn't Stray but non the less...

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^ Dude, that studio video is neat! In the vid it all looks pretty ghetto, but in the cool/good/stylish way, recording the drums in the same room as Randy (engineer in the vid). What kind of vocal mic are they using??? Looks like a fuckin i5 to me, haha. Pretty sick though how the record turned out. Drum sound is so huge + the guitars have that gurgeling/filthy tone to them, fuckin love it!
There's no way in hell I could ever record drums in the same room like that. Just way too fucking loud and annoying. How the hell can they even tell what's happening?