How to get toms to cut through in Superior 2?


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
I can't get my toms very loud with them clipping. I've tried a fair amount of compression / eq, but really nothing's working out too well. Ideas?
I have noticed that cutting a pretty deep seminarrow (like just a bit narrower Q from the default on most EQ:s) cut at 330hz reduces a lot of mucus on pretty much everything because the ear is very sensitive on that frequency range and it gets cluttered really easily, but it can also make the sound too thin if you cut it too much. But anyways if you cut it say -10dB without the sound getting thin, you get 10dB of more healthier sounding headroom and that means almost three times more percieved loudness
I have noticed that cutting a pretty deep seminarrow (like just a bit narrower Q from the default on most EQ:s) cut at 330hz reduces a lot of mucus on pretty much everything because the ear is very sensitive on that frequency range and it gets cluttered really easily, but it can also make the sound too thin if you cut it too much. But anyways if you cut it say -10dB without the sound getting thin, you get 10dB of more healthier sounding headroom and that means almost three times more percieved loudness

are you saying you can do this on most instruments in a mix? or one instrument in a mix? I haven't really heard much about this.
boost the low end on each tom
start at around 250hz (listen for resonance) for the highest tom then i usually end up around like 80hz-100hz for the floor tom
cut around 300hz
scoop around 900hz, boost around 2k-5k (play with it)
4:1 ratio
20-30ms attack
120ms release
a shit load of epic reverb
turn up
proceed to bask in the awesomeness that is s2.0's toms
also, ive found that with s2.0, the key to awesome fucking sounds is smashing the room mics to hell and back, high-passing about 200hz and blending in liberally.
Yeah TBH these toms are pretty good to go. Use a liberal amount of compression.. maybe taking off 3dB to get some more stick attack, and then Hi-Fi them up to taste with some EQ. I used these toms on the Untruth EP and in all honesty I must've spent about 5 minutes mixing them in, if that. They were one of the easiest parts of the mix.

If you're having issues getting them to sit, perhaps it's the rest of the mix that's clouding them.