How to hold a microphone - yes, your vocalist really needs to see this!

BTW, for the record:

The only reason I ever did anther video was because of popular demand. The one comment that kept coming up was, "Do more! Do more!"

So, it took a while to figure out what the hell I could possibly do, as I covered a lot with "how to get your band ready." Then I was discussing bad microphone technique with an old college buddy, who happens to be head of audio at one of Canada's largest TV networks, and realized that it's pretty much universal.

Anyway, I'm going to continue on with this series. If you guys have suggestions for subjects, I'd love to hear them.
At this point, I really couldn't give a fuck if it costs me a gig here & there. I'm going to say what's on my mind. Wait till I start doing "honest gear reviews! "

Props to you for that. I've cost myself some gigs and relationships as a result of speaking my mind, but I think the moment you compromise yourself and start sucking mushroom-tip for the sake of the industry, you might as well start working in a cubicle.

People are fucking stupid. They often need to be offended into paying attention to something educational. Your videos are perfect for that.

I'll help out with the dipshit-hunting in the comments section. The YT guys never cease to amaze me with the sheer idiocy of things they come up with.
^ One hundred fucking percent! I feel like your subs and View-count's are only going to increase, your very funny to watch and your'e right people only get offended if their spoon fed, prissy drama queens or they actually suck. Me and all my band members actually learned and subscribed. And fuck anyone's bullshit bad for business swearing bla bla bla, One of your video's almost has a hundred thousands views

If anything with X number of subscribers and X views per video minimum of 10,000 usually you can monetize your Vids and make in a year what I make at the Marriott front desk 40+ hours just making videos. So just tune out the dumb bullshit and keep it up!
Totally awesome Glenn!

The first 2 videos where so dead spot on what i've experienced with bands so i couldn't stop laughing. This one though was more educational and ended up learning some stuff actually :) So I agree with some people here that if you cut out the faul language and make more educational movies you could probably gain allot of viewers and maybe set up an educational channel? You could still maintain your "style" but just make it a bit more educational as in the last video.

WEll anyways good work!
Awesome. Liked and subscribed! Your videos are very entertaining. If they offend people, so what. They probably wanted to be offended. This is obviously humor.
I tried the "educational" route first. Nobody paid attention. See the drum tuning video, not much action after 2 years.

So I said " Fuck it, I'm just going to go for it & say what I really want to say." ..
. And it took off. Surprised me most of all :)
Didn't even know about the drum tuning one. Now I have a video to make every drummer watch too.....likely they will pay attention for 2 seconds and decide to learn nothing, but still nice dude!
So I said " Fuck it, I'm just going to go for it & say what I really want to say."

Not worth living your live any other way man...who'd want to be around folks who only appreciate your facade anyway? ;)

I found the video hilarious...maybe that "lemme club you to death part" didn't really go as well as you might thought, that seemed a bit forced and weirdly timed.

I'm totally guilty of not paying enough attention to the proximity effect at all times, but I already knew that :lol:
I must say that 99% of the other videos on this subject are boring as fuck.
This is something people will actually watch from start to finish.

Keep it up!
I enjoyed it as well.

Glenn maybe adding the "if you were offended, maybe it was something you needed to hear" bit from the original series at the end of all of your videos. Maybe it would smooth it over for those that can't handle it.

Even a written disclaimer at the beginning of each video might work. Something like "Warning: If you are easily offended by hearing unfiltered reality….etc" :)