How to introduce someone to sx music?

I'd recommend:
- Out of the ashes or Evolution as the most accessible songs for people who like metall

- Awakenings or The Odyssey to show their abilty to compose superb songs

- Candelight Fantasia just because I love it

- Fallen or Bird Serpent War to show the Dark Side :heh:

...and Smoke and Mirrors for guitar maniacs.
I converted a few people with this list:

damnation game
savage curtain
of sins and shadows
sea of lies
out of the ashes
the Accolade
candlelight fantasia
smoke and mirrors
rediscovery Pt. I
Mr. Shred-ididle said:

Does this mean the rude finger

:D Here ya go......

Allright, i want thank all of you for your suggestions.

I won over the rock/metal fans with: Dressed to kill, the Relic, Dragon's Den, Evolution, inferno and the eyes of medusa, of sins and shadows

The classical dude was won over with: the edge of forever, a fools paradise, the Odyssey, (and I lured him into the Accolade with the great violin opening)

The dreamtheater guy with everything that lasts longer than 12 minutes :) particularly with the divine wings of tragedy (the song), the The Odyssey and the death of balance

My general impression is that people are used to "drive in music" if you know what I mean. Songs that last 3 minutes, repeating the catchy chorus 5 times and that's it. So the trick is to make 'm listen to parts of songs that are easy and catch on fast and then gradually submit them to more long lasting, true sx fury. In short, you want to make 'em go :OMG: :hotjump: but you don't want to make 'em :ill: :cry: :erk:
Krizz said:
Pharoah said:
If you call me "old dude", I'm not gonna tell ya. :bah:

HUH?? When did I call you old dude?

Mr. Shred-ididle did !! ....cause I am! o_O

To the context of this post.....Last year I introduced "V" to a co-worker who loved it, bought a copy and played it at home. She came to work and said "My family and I agree this is devil worship music" and had to get rid of the CD.
I said :


Duh, (Sometimes), you just can't win :Spin:
Well, it was by a coincidense that it was decided that i was the one who should bring and play music in the cafeteria at school. Of course i brought Symx even though i new what would be the results.

After aboyt 1 and a half minute the cafeteria was empty..... :)