How to pronounce Mikael's name....

That Youtube clip...Mikael is only fucking around, "I'm fucking Michael" is a "hip" americanization. But I guess you already knew that.

Any which way, you can pronounce the name however you want, Aussie-style or American-style or Clad in Darkness-style, but it's not the Swedish (=right) way to pronounce it.
For some strange reason, this thread reminds me of one Mr. Raymond Luxury-Yacht. (pronounced: Throat-Warbler Mangrove)

to say Å in swedish imagine saying awkward with a really brittish accent, just the Aw in awkward

similar, if you want to say Ö, say skirt, extract the i (again, brittish english)

Ä is similar to american "yeah" dont stress the E though or it sounds completely wrong so rather ye-aaaaahhhhhh than yeeeeeeeeee-ah