How to put more power into screamed vocals?


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2012
I've been doing screamed vocals for a few months now, I have the rasp and distortion, however I have trouble putting a lot of power into the vocals. Any advice on how to put more power into it would be great :). Thanks a lot!
If you have to try hard to be loud, or hurt yourself doing it, then you have problems. Just keep working on your breath control and technique. you'll get there eventually. If you have good technique, though, you really shouldn't have to be very loud to get the sound you want.
^agreed, power doesn't = good screams. You'll ruin your voice that way, in fact I would even recommend screaming as quiet as you can while still getting the sound you want. PRACTICE that's the biggest piece of advice,

listen to bands you like and basically copy them, and take their technique and modify it for you.
Is it more screamo vocals, or death grunts, pig squeals etc?

^ This is the sort of thing I go for. Wayne Static/Jens Kidman kinda voice. Those two guys have managed to hold up their voice for over 15 years.

I've found that the more you do it in moderation the more your voice is adjusted to the technique. Try a screaming session once every 3 days or so. If your voice is getting worse then technique is bad. If you're doing it right then you will definitely notice improvement :)
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I can't do it myself so can't offer any advice on technique. But what I can say, is that it really comes across well when I'm recording someone who screams loud versus quieter vocalists.

Some people still have harsh voices, but you really sit up and notice when there's some power behind it.

So maybe practice quiet for tone, and belt it out for recording sessions/gigs!
Quit smoking. Kidding unless it applies then QUIT! Also no drinking, at least before singing. Kills endurance. You don't have to be loud to get power. Try doing low volume, low toned fake opera-man voices. Pretty loud right? Not much effort or power needed. Now try to dirty it up a bit. At the other end, you can "pinch" higher vocals yells. Think Marilyn Manson or Nine Inch Nails screams. They don't come from the chest as much, rather they close up their throat and just squeeze the yell out like through a tight neck. Again, doesn't use much power but sounds loud as hell. Tool does this too. Check out "hooker with a p*nis." That's definitely not him open mouth, chest screaming. It's "pinched." When you can do it easy you got it.

Another idea is to add FX into your vocals. You can add some slight distortion, or really eat up on the mic and "play" it to get it to drive a bit. Or you can use a specialty mic like the Flagg Mic to get some nice distorted grit that compliments a scream nicely.

Whatever you do, if it hurts stop and try something else. Don't break anything.

(BTW my name was supposed to be uberhorns, not uberhorn. Now I look like a perv instead of metal lol)
I gotta say I disagree with pretty much everyone on this one.

If you want to sound loud be loud
If you want to sound powerfull put some guts into it.
Write good lyrics believe in your lyrics and the Passion will bring it all out naturally
I'm no professional but I've been doing metal vocals for bout 3 years and from experience, breath deep breaths in through your nose, when you do this you shouldnt feel your chest puff up, you should feel your stomach fill up, you want all that air deep down. and use your diaphram to control your breath.
Also I find that a few shots of whiskey helps loosen up your vocal chords.
I wouldn't recommend whiskey before doing death growls or screaming. It may "loosen" your vocal chords, but you're really just numbing them. If you numb your vocal chords, you will push your voice harder than you should and you may injure your vocal chords. Nobody wants to sound like James Hetfield.