How to: Sort forum threads


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
How To Sort Forum Threads

Most of the time, the order in which threads are displayed in a forum is fine the way it is. You know that the most recent thread (or the one with the most recent reply) is at the top, then the next recent, and so on.

But what if you quickly want to find a thread started by a particular person a month ago? Or, you want to see the threads sorted by the number of replies or thread views?

Simple. Each column has a heading which is in fact a link. Clicking it will sort the column for you:

(see attachment below)

- click it once, and it will sort the threads accordingly. For thread/thread starter fields, it will be alphabetically. For Replies/Views it will be numerically. And for 'Last Post' it will be in date order.

You'll also see an up arrow beside the column title you clicked. Click this, and it will sort them in reverse order (Z-A) (and also change the up arrow to a down arrow - up for ascending order, down for descending order, geddit?:))

Do note, however, it will only sort the threads that you have set to view (10 days worth, 30 days, etc). If you want to sort ALL the threads in a forum, scroll to the bottom of the page and change the 'Showing Threads from...' dropdown menu to 'the beginning'.
