long threads

Dark_Jester said:
Are we gonna delete the closed threads too? Will just closing them help to deal with speed issues?
it's certainly going to help with the speed issues experienced by those who want to open them for reading new posts. ;)
and no, i don't want to delete them at all. if you want to look something up you should be able to even years from now.
Thanks Rahvin, as you all can see by reading the threads, I'm one of the members here not that much interested in them (meaning I didn't post much there). I came here to talk about DT with other people loving them as I do, so there is no need to tell you what I'm currently listening to.

Don't understand me wrong, these threads are OK, and I participated in some of them, but often not for long. So, maybe I'll check out the new ones and maybe I'll post more regularly there...
@ben: there's no need to delete them, and i also think it's cool to have them archived forever. of course if you try to open them you'll still have to face long waits, but as each thread seems to be indexed separately the loading times are completely independent.
@Pesimus: We know you are, don't let them breathe, just kill... err... deconstruct them all!!! This is clearly an attempt to preserve my birthday threads and blow the others right away, in order to make people understand the way of rating we are trying to settle over here. Of course, you also can post on my bday threads over than 200.000.000 times, so they will deleted too. :p

|ng (A non-transformable robot)
@rahvin: excuse me if i missed a beat or several, but why isn't the pic thread being closed?
the rules thread was updated today to include the new plan for overlong threads. check it if you have doubts on how this is going to work. from now on i'll take care of it - minus the part where a new thread has to start: i don't want the first page to read "rahvin" everywhere - without further notice. i'm tempted to close this thread as well, since it has served its purpose, but deep inside my heart i hope some of you will sense my desperation and post the picture of a pineapple on it before the day is through.
rahvin, just tell us that this is not you?


Pineapple fruits are compound oval fruits 6 to 8 inches long with spiky,
robust leaves at the top of the fruit. The tough, waxy rind is green, brown,
and yellow in color with a scale-like appearance. The flesh of the pineapple
is juicy and yellow to white in color.
