How was/is school for you?

It was good; I wish I was a better student though - never procrastinate... on ANYTHING.
Its going good. I've got 1.5 years left at my University. This semester is tough though, I'm taking 18 hours so I can graduate on time. But since the emphasis area of my major is equine science, I get to take cool classes. Like right now I'm in advanced horsemanship.
It was lame. I was years ahead of every class I went to, so I just stopped going to class, and eventually quit school altogether. That was years ago, and no, I have no regrets. I have given myself a great education, and though I have little money, it matters not as long as I can eat and have an unending supply of music/literature to keep me sane.

I hated school. "Read pages 175-185 tonight for homework". WTF? What happened to page 1? Do yourselves a favor and just read the whole damn book and save time; then read a book that is actually worth your time.
i was an ok student but the class i got in in highschool was the third best electrician class in the whole country. i felt like i fuckin sucked
Expensive. I should also add that.

This is my main complaint; but I am forced to agree about the ridiculous page readings. They say the trick is to read only the important sections; the problem with this is you still have to skim through everything to figure out what is of importance... furthermore there is a real difference between what is important for some arbitrary test and what is important to your actual studies.

Crap. The subjects I chose were for the status of the grade they bring :lol: Which are brilliant, but I wish I could go back and change them to subjects I'd enjoy working at. Hopefully I should end up with an A-level in Maths, Physics, Economics and ICT pretty soon. Tomorrow i'm visiting the london stock exchange to help me in deciding what the future holds for me, I'm praying for a traders job as they can earn up tp £1.2 million a year!!! But then again they can lose alot to :lol: .. ok i'll shut up now :loco:
It was lame. I was years ahead of every class I went to, so I just stopped going to class, and eventually quit school altogether. That was years ago, and no, I have no regrets. I have given myself a great education, and though I have little money, it matters not as long as I can eat and have an unending supply of music/literature to keep me sane.

I hated school. "Read pages 175-185 tonight for homework". WTF? What happened to page 1? Do yourselves a favor and just read the whole damn book and save time; then read a book that is actually worth your time.

Yeah in history we would have to read for homework but I wouldn't do it, because we would discuss it in class the next day so I learned all I needed to without wasting my time. The problem I have with school is I learn differently. I need to be doing something with my hands if I'm going to be listening to anything. I was playing games on my calculator for an entire history class and I remember everything.

The stuff I don't like is the different parts of speech. I have heard people say stuff will be useful wether I think it is or not but I see no use in knowing all the parts of speech and how to identify them. Speaking proper English is common sense to an English speaker. Its not like someone is going to hold me up at gun point and say "what is an adverb?" Also Science class is not so much useless but hard as fuck. I have to memorize the different wetherings or rocks, the different classification methods for every type of rock, and how each rock can change from one to the other. Fuck earth science, its gay shit. Also the amount of homework I get and how it rises. My math teacher pretty much gives me more homework every day. And at this stage in learning algebra all concepts are combined of ones I previously learned, so they decide they should lengthen the problems in order to confuse you just to make it harder. I don't think you need to even know algebra to be an algebra teacher, teachers just read from the book anyway (at least here).
Good post. Actually, I think that unless you are entering a specific field (like medicine), such drudgery is not necessary. I would read through my history and science books like any other book. If I did not remember the name of a certain chemical or whatever then it obviously did not interest me enough to remember and chances are I will never need to know it; and if I do, well then I will not forget the next time because I would then be interested.

It is quite basic really, but in high school in particular they make everything so ridiculously complex, and yet stupid at the same time. Don't even worry about "needing to know this or that" unless, like I said earlier, you are entering a certain occupation after college. Your best bet in high school is to read their crap quickly, then you will have time to read books that are not so biased and historically inaccurate, etc. This will give you a great jumpstart for college or whatever you plan to do later. You could learn a whole area of philosophy in the time they waste going over the same damn things again and again and again.
I just don't like fucking school they want everyone to "get a taste of everything". Ever thought that someone might actually know what they wanna do for the rest of their lives when they're still in high school? The problem is people who are different and excel in different areas still have to go through the same crap everyone else does (knowing what you want to do, and still having to spend 4 years "getting a taste of everything"). Also (and this happened to me a lot). In Math I am usually able to finish big problems and get them right almost all the time but teachers need me to show my work.

Good post. Actually, I think that unless you are entering a specific field (like medicine), such drudgery is not necessary. I would read through my history and science books like any other book. If I did not remember the name of a certain chemical or whatever then it obviously did not interest me enough to remember and chances are I will never need to know it; and if I do, well then I will not forget the next time because I would then be interested.

It is quite basic really, but in high school in particular they make everything so ridiculously complex, and yet stupid at the same time. Don't even worry about "needing to know this or that" unless, like I said earlier, you are entering a certain occupation after college. Your best bet in high school is to read their crap quickly, then you will have time to read books that are not so biased and historically inaccurate, etc. This will give you a great jumpstart for college or whatever you plan to do later. You could learn a whole area of philosophy in the time they waste going over the same damn things again and again and again.

Yeah pretty much after 7th grade school felt like memorizing and regurgitating useless information. I can remember what I learned in kindergarten through 7th grade because it was useful, I can't even remember what I learned a month ago in most classes. Information you don't use you end up forgetting. Thats why in Algebra they review more than any other class. Its because we never use Algebra so we forget it. So we review for about half a year then do something new.