How was/is school for you?

School was Ok for me. I had my equal share of good and bad experiances. Good being able to get Ok grades and pass that shit, and bad being getting caught abusing the teacher or just writing vulgar things about the school on it's walls. Apprently, i wasn't careful enough...or lucky enough to get through it.
The answering in complete sentences bullshit is what really gets me.

When you answer the question "Is it hot out?" You don't say "No it is not hot out". You say "No". You can get the answer and understand it without adding useless words. Teachers say "its just a few words". Well if theres a hundred questions its a few hundred words you don't need.
:yell:FARKIN BRILLIANT, until I moved to Australia....:waah:

hahahaha, ever thought that there might be other australian users on here? other aussie users like me!

but anyways, school sucks pretty hard, most of my time is spent daydreaming during classes, probly not the best thing i could do, but im just that bored.
Higschool was lame. I mean, no one really bothered me because I was known as the 'goth' chick. Ew, I hate that term by the way. Anywho, the people there were lame. My hometown is all junkies, so I never really associated myself with any of them.

Then I got to college and it's totally different. The people are way cool and I can bascially hang out with anyone. Now...if I could only wake up to go to classes. Hehe.
School was great ! Wish I could go back again. 7th to 10th grade we were a bunch of metal guys having a lot of fun (e.g. Todde from Brainstorm and Robbi from Defending the Faith, ex-Stormwitch, ex-Death in Action were in my class). From 11th to 13th grade I was more or less the only Metal-Head, they called me "Slayer". Most of the others were more into Ska and that kind of music or regular Pop music. But we had no problems, still had a lot of fun together. As said, wish I could go to school again.
School, college and university were amazing for me due to being very popular and excelling at everything.
sounds like what you learn when you study geology at the university :goggly:

Yeah, its so fucking gay. I have less work now which is good. We're doing plate Tectonics which I've done a few times so I don't need to study.

Socially school is alright, I probably get made fun of behind my back but its not like I give a damn, the whole pothead thing is gone for now (its gotten old).
I have major mixed feelings about school.

My school has a perfect harmony of knuckle-dragging buffoon and cool people. However, the morons really annoy me. I have long hair and I wear metal band shirts. That automatically makes me the person have to avoid, otherwise he will shank you. There are quite a bit of people that are scared of me for no reason. However, I do abuse this from time to time. Take for instance when preps let 30 of their friends cut in line making people wait an extra 10-15 minutes (which blows since there are 30 minute lunch periods). I will just turn up Necrophagist, get a real pissed look on my face, and charge through. When I turn down the music, I normally hear them say "I'm not gonna tell him anything, I'm fucking scared of him" or "No, you tell him, he'll kill me". Works like a charm, but doesn't do any good to my image. I don't care, I'm hungry. Somehow, people also perceive me to be a genius (not saying that I am not one :-P). I go from "bad boy I don't want to mess with" to "human encyclopedia" in nothing flat because I have glasses. Jesus, I really hate high school since everybody has to judge you off of everything.

However some of the classes are really interesting and I have some of the coolest teachers. Of the 6 teachers I have, 4 of them are some of the funniest people I have seen (and one had a good stand-up career).
My teachers are either ok or boring but I have one good teacher. My English teacher scares me when she laughs, its this monsterous forced laugh it starts out like "ha ha ha, and then goes HA HA HA HA!" I was talking about how I didn't like the fact that we had to read A Midsummer Nights Dream (although its a lot better than Romeo And Juliet in my opinion) and she says "I don't care what you say, you will read what I like", and this time I defended myself from one of her attacks and didn't end up looking like a complete idiot, I said "I wasn't talking to you" which I wasn't.

My Science teacher doesn't care about anything, she saw me put my I-pod on under my hood and didn't care.

My Spanish teacher is funny. She was making fun of this short kids last name because it sounds like butter, and he says "its Italian, I'm from little Italy" (little Italy in Baltimore) and my teacher laughs, and says "ha ha little Italy". And makes fun of kids for stupid things they say, like how one kid pronounced the word for year wrong and said he had six anuses.

My Gym teacher takes 20 minutes to show up to class, its kind of annoying, but it gives me less time playing sports with barbarians who get way too into the sports. Half of the class is one of the jocks going "are you retarded, you throw like a girl" "catch it" blah blah blah. Did any of their coaches tell them sports were about having fun?

My school is mostly preppy kids, I don't care. I guess to them I dress like a Nerd because I know 0 about fashion, and I don't give a shit about fashion either. And find it weird how I listen to my I-pod during class.