School Pranks

Oh, so dam much, I am not sure that I can remember it all.

There was one guy that used to stick pornos all over the school just anywhere. I remember one day we were going into a language class and one had been stuck to the door, when some people mentioned it to the teacher as we entered the classroom, he just left it there and said "Well, we are learning French" (funny bastard)

For muck up day pretty much the entirety of my year gathered garden gnomes and then came back to the school in the middle of the night and stuck them all around the place (with full strength silicon, etc) someone got one right on top of a real tall building right on the corner of the roof. That gnome was on top of the roof for months. The whole thing was a classic and harmless fun. Guess who originally came up with the idea.:Spin:

We used to have these two different classes that would be on at the same time, they were in the same building just across a hall. The teachers used to have little skirmishes using the students (go to [teacher]'s class and tip water over her, etc). Our teacher got drilled this one time with water and really wanted to get the other teacher back. So she turned to us for help :)
Now this teacher that we were planning to pay back was leaving soon anyway and so we though that we could plan something big and leave him no time to get us back. One of my mates "borrowed" a whole heap of talcom powder from his work and one day we snuck into the room when we knew he was coming in with a class right afterwards. We grabbed every table and chair in the room and stacked them against the only door that went into the room. Then we went to work with a stupid amount of talcom powder, stacked up upon the ceiling fans in the room. We had only just finished our handy work when the teachers head appeared at the window that was in the door. So he just saw us in there and that we had stacked all the tables and chairs against the door, that was all that he knew at that stage. When he saw that.. he got mad and started forcing the door. Of course we were all jumping out of a window (all of the others had been shut and locked by us just beforehand) but just before the last of us jumped out, they turned the fans on full blast. We were running us some stairs to get out of there and suddenly a window opened from the room, this huge white cloud of dust came pouring out of the window as it opened and the teachers head stuck out - completely white, covered from head to foot in talcum powder. He started to lose it and kept yelling at us until we were out of sight. We saw him about three years afterwards and asked him if he remembered. He actually said that he thought that it was a good prank and appreciated it afterwards, but he would still get us back one day.

And even though we had actually left school at the time, we changed this big sign that is meant to display messages to people driving past / entering the school. Cant remember what we made it say, but it wasn't pretty and lots of questions were being asked of the students who were still at school.
I also remember our IT room had several laser printers, so that students could print their papers and whatnot.
So me and my friends, printed 1500 copies of the sentence "You are all pwned" on each printer, and we left the room, we came back like 20 minutes later and the IT teacher was going nuts trying to cancel the jobs, I guess we used up most of the papers on the printers :loco:
i have done a ton of pranks nothing really big tho.

this isnt really a prank but it was funny as hell tho: last year my house was taking a trip around my city by boat and we convinced one of my friends to jump of the side of the boat. he got in a shitload of trouble but he became a hero throughout our school for several months.
in my senior year of high school my friend John and I both worked in our schools TV studio (which ran the schools TV network, as well as the actual school television station for the entire county). The schools sever computer was in the TV studio, and we installed a trojan on it so we could access the network from any computer in the school, or from home. Just a list of some of the things we did with that power:

* sent print commands to every printer in the school (999 pages of "hi")
* put up porn on teachers TVs (every room had its PC connected to the rooms TV instead of using overhead projectors.
* turned up the volume as high as it would go and play metal in the middle of random teachers lectures.
* played porn movies on the actual televison station for the county (porn on channel 11, wee)
* interupted the morning announcements (done over the internal TV feed) with metal videos

many other fun things, but those were some of my favs. The next year they replaced all the computers in the school, and went with a totally new network setup because of the shit we did, lol.