School Smells


Mar 30, 2005
North Dakota
im making this to replace the less fortunate "dead" link on my other School Smells thread. I am going to put exactly what was on the other one:

Here i am at school, we have an hour lunch, and since i just transferred, i dont know anybody to leave school with, so im kinda bored. and it sucks because i asked this punk in my morning class if he wanted to go in on a bag with me today, but he turned me down :erk: i got to thinking....seeing as im only 16 and im in highschool, compared to all you other guys in your twenties and thirties...what the hell was school like for you guys??

i mean, was it like nazi camps or something? did you have to have your hair above a certain length? tell me alllllll about your highschool experience!
Well, my school experience was very much like yours, since i only graduated high school two years ago. I had my own little group of friends, and we were unique in the way that we were good friends, but we were all different, we were all individuals. I was the only metalhead in the group, the only one with long hair and the only pro wrestling fan. I also had one or two friends from just about any other clique you can think of, including the "popular" group. We had the punkers, the Dungeons and Dragons, pen and paper RPG nerds that always smelled funny, we had the skaters, the stoners, video game and anime fans, the wiggas, the gangstas, the Mexican cholos, the popular kids, your usual cliques. Then you had us. The misfits would didn't fit anywhere else. We actually called our little lunch hangout spot "The Island of Misfit Toys".

I was never, ever popular, i got some odd looks from some of the popular people because i was different, and i was proud of that! Going as far back as elementary and especially middle school, i was the target of bullies, even getting beat up a couple times. I was never the teaser, always the teased. I was often anti-social and kept to myself, only making two or three friends at most, but that changed in high school. I got out of the "I must be cool and 'in'"(which is hard to do, when you're for the most part, anti-social and a bully target, but i thought dressing in hippest clothes and listening to the hippest music would change that) phase and was more myself at that point, i made more friends, went out more, and that's how i am today.

I'm still a geek, i'm still dopey, I'm still a comic book fan, i'm still a pro wrestling freak 'til the day i die(been into it since age 3 and still going strong!), i'm still a shameless metalhead, and that's the way i like it.
#1_Droogie said:
great post WC! it sounds almost exactly like my school career, except i never really had a "clique" to belong to

I was lucky in that way. I'm still friends with some of them, and i'm not friends with a few of them now. It's kinda funny how much things, people and relationships with people change in just two years.

And i forgot to mention a big element in my entire school career. I constantly moved. I wasn't in a ilitary family, and i never and still don't know why we move so often, but up until high school, i would only spend two years at the most in one school. During my middle school days, 6th, 7th and 8th grade, i spent each year in a different school. And even if i spent two years in a school, i'd still move. I moved EVERY SINGLE YEAR from age 4 to 16. It wasn't until my sophmore year that we finally stayed somewhere for more than a year. And my high school was the first school that i ever spent more than two years in. I stayed there my entire high schoolt tenure.

So, that also made it tough for me in school, because i was constantly "the new kid".
wow dude, that would suck ass, i know how it feels to be the "new kid" i am him at my school right now, and its especially frustrating when the whole school is full of poser "gangstas" :yuk:
Well, the first school I went to, I really hated. It was a very strickt catholic school, not even jeans were allowed (I got kicked out a few days at age 14 or so for wearing those striped white/blue pants, hell that was no jeans :). Already over 20 years ago, but my hate for some teachers there is still fueled by this kind of threads (so thanx for that :D ) .
The best thing in that school was there were some very hardcore metalheads that leaded me to the enlighted path of metal :headbang:
They all seemed like your every-day decent students, but at home we were swapping metal-tapes like hell !
At age 16 or so I left this school to a very open minded technical school, and there I had the best time of my live and made lotsa live-time friends, amongst who even some teachers !! ( my respect for them is fueled by this kind of threads :)
Well, I never was a top student, never could keep my nose in books...
Luckely in the second school I wasn't a "geek" like some metalheads in schools are nowdays. At that time about everyone was listening to AC/DC and stuff, and there were no poser gangstas yet......
you should ask the guys over thirty, as us in our 20's had a similar school as yours which is flat and boring, except for BACKYARD WRESTLING!!! OH MAN, WE HAD SO MUCH FUN :headbang: :headbang: although I was the only metaller, I had to get together with half punks and other mallcorers, no full punks though, can't stand em.
I went to school when rapp was really getting big. My school was all white but half wanted to be black the others were preppy fags.
Winner said:
Well, seeing as Im a winner, I dropped out of highschool in the middle of tenth grade and took my GED, fuck that shit dude. If your set on going to HS though, get the FUCK out of North Dakota bro.

haha, no fucking shit :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

ive been wanting to leave here since i was 7.....ive even ran away like 6 times :loco:

but yeah, earlier in the year, i couldve sworn that i wasnt going to pass HS, but then i switched into alternative schooling, for dropouts, but i didnt drop out, i just kinda...."switched"

but yeah, about a couple weeks ago, when i first got into my new school, i decided im going to pass highschool, i dont care what im gonna have to do, i mean theres no hw at my school, so its gonna be easy, but im saying even if i had to do hw, i would. So i was kind of proud of me for that one.

but yeah so im going to pass highschool, and im definately getting out of ND.
#1_Droogie said:
i mean, was it like nazi camps or something? did you have to have your hair above a certain length? tell me alllllll about your highschool experience!

I was in a religious school. We dubbed it Stalag 17. I hate school, I hate my clasmmates, I hate religion (up to this day).

Highschool was the worst time of my youth, while college was the best of times. I made more friends in one month in college than after 17 years in school altogether.

I started listening to metal when I was leaving highschool, half my heart was trapped into pop and half was discovering the future, my true soul, freedom of the spirit in the years to go.

Droog you're nearly over it, keep your upper lip stiff. A couple of years more and you will be singing the anthem, the one for all of us that has pass through it and survived.

I'm eighteen and I don't know what I want eighteen I just don't know what I want
Eighteen I gotta get away I gotta get out of this place I'll go runnin' in outer space oh yeah

After that is just life ;)
Wyvern said:
I was in a religious school. We dubbed it Stalag 17. I hate school, I hate my clasmmates, I hate religion (up to this day).

Highschool was the worst time of my youth, while college was the best of times. I made more friends in one month in college than after 17 years in school altogether.

Droog you're nearly over it, keep your upper lip stiff. A couple of years more and you will be singing the anthem, the one for all of us that has pass through it and survived.

I'm eighteen and I don't know what I want eighteen I just don't know what I want
Eighteen I gotta get away I gotta get out of this place I'll go runnin' in outer space oh yeah

After that is just life ;) probably will never know how much that really helped me

i havent thought about it seriously, but its always been in my mind.

ive tried before, but been rushed to the ER :erk:

but yeah, you dont know how much that comment (and joining this forum in the first place) helped me, thanks :wave: :)
#1_Droogie said: probably will never know how much that really helped me

i havent thought about it seriously, but its always been in my mind.

ive tried before, but been rushed to the ER :erk:

but yeah, you dont know how much that comment (and joining this forum in the first place) helped me, thanks :wave: :)

I'm old enough to be your dad. This forum means a lot to me, not only for the possibility of excahneg my favorite passion in life (what gives life the most meaning actually) with lots of different people across four continents.

Moreover I see the next generation coming to carry the torch my "son" Igor
(MIA at the time) and you and maybe more. And it's a nice sensation knowing that ours is not just a fading era, is a tradition as noble as any other tradition mankind has passed through generations in history.

I may sound cheesy here, but as long as true metal sounds and each geeneration carry on the tradition our names will not be erased from the collective memory and thus immortality is for us all.

Teach your children (I know Bryant and Marine will do ;) ).
I graduated in 1983, long before the Nazi's took over our school systems. I never would have made it if I had to conform to the rules they have these days. My crowd was the misfits, we didn't really belong to any group but we got along well with all of them: nerds, jocks, cowboys, cholos, stoners.

For me, high school was fun. I had no problem getting good grades, so there was no pressure there. Mostly it was a social event... a place to hang out with my friends and ogle cute chicks. Whenever it got boring, I did something to liven it up.

I've told these stories before on here, but before Droogie joined. I took my Iron Maiden Number of the Beast shirt down to the local print shop and had them print LONG LIVE BACKWARD MESSAGES on it. That got the Mormons into an uproar. I had so much fun doing with that stunt that I knew I had to top it. So I went out and found the largest, most featureless, boring rock I could carry in two hands and then took it to school and claimed it was GOD. That caused such a stir that I got called into the Principal's office! After that I noticed that all the little Mormon girls would cross to the other side of the hall when I passed them. I think they thought I was the devil or something.

Not sure you could get away with that shit in this day and age. Not without a suspension anyway.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I graduated in 1983, long before the Nazi's took over our school systems. I never would have made it if I had to conform to the rules they have these days. My crowd was the misfits, we didn't really belong to any group but we got along well with all of them: nerds, jocks, cowboys, cholos, stoners.

For me, high school was fun. I had no problem getting good grades, so there was no pressure there. Mostly it was a social event... a place to hang out with my friends and ogle cute chicks. Whenever it got boring, I did something to liven it up.

I've told these stories before on here, but before Droogie joined. I took my Iron Maiden Number of the Beast shirt down to the local print shop and had them print LONG LIVE BACKWARD MESSAGES on it. That got the Mormons into an uproar. I had so much fun doing with that stunt that I knew I had to top it. So I went out and found the largest, most featureless, boring rock I could carry in two hands and then took it to school and claimed it was GOD. That caused such a stir that I got called into the Principal's office! After that I noticed that all the little Mormon girls would cross to the other side of the hall when I passed them. I think they thought I was the devil or something.

Not sure you could get away with that shit in this day and age. Not without a suspension anyway.


can i call you messiah? :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: thats by far some of the coolest things ive ever heard.

I kind of have a......."proposal".......would there be any chance that i could maybe....."barrow" that shirt idea?

If you ever agreed to it I would want you to know, i would have them put "LOVE LIVE BACKWARD MESSAGES

so i would definately give you credit
but again, that tops my "prank" idea (taking old fashioned bell alarm clocks, getting road flares, and fake wiring like 6 of them together and put them in a bunch of bathrooms at school) which might have worked, but you never know

PLEASE consider my offer seriously :wave:
#1_Droogie said:
can i call you messiah? :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: thats by far some of the coolest things ive ever heard.

I kind of have a......."proposal".......would there be any chance that i could maybe....."barrow" that shirt idea?

If you ever agreed to it I would want you to know, i would have them put "LOVE LIVE BACKWARD MESSAGES
I'll tell you what, if you've got the balls to do it, Droogie, you don't need to give me credit. Just print the message...that's much more important than any recognition on my part. But I don't think that exact phrase would have the same impact it did back in my day. In 1983 televangelists were spinning Beatles, Zeppelin, and ELO records backwards trying to prove that rock music was the voice of the devil (and making headlines doing it). These days that whole concept has been mostly disregarded even by the drugstore preachers on tv (mostly because the stuff they sing forward these days is much worse than anything those preachers were pulling out of their asses..."turn me on dead man" just doesn't hold much weight against modern black metal lyrics).

See, if I were in your situation today, I'd do something more modern. In my school, which was predominantly Mormon, I would have a shirt printed up that said something like, "SATAN SPEAKS THROUGH THE MORMON TABERNACLE CHOIR". If the community was more Catholic I might use, "I SAW THE VIRGIN MARY IN A BIRD SPLATTER". On neutral ground I might use a more modern version of my original phrase, "BACKWARD MESSAGES CORRUPTED MY DADDY, FORWARD MESSAGES CORRUPTED ME".

#1_Droogie said:
that tops my "prank" idea (taking old fashioned bell alarm clocks, getting road flares, and fake wiring like 6 of them together and put them in a bunch of bathrooms at school) which might have worked, but you never know
Yeah, I don't think this is a good idea in today's world. Anything that looks like a bomb would more likely steer you to jail (and on a watchlist) than the Principal's Office. Rebellion is cool...Terrorism, even if it's pretend, sucks.
#1_Droogie said:
haha, no fucking shit :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

ive been wanting to leave here since i was 7.....ive even ran away like 6 times :loco:

but yeah, earlier in the year, i couldve sworn that i wasnt going to pass HS, but then i switched into alternative schooling, for dropouts, but i didnt drop out, i just kinda...."switched"

but yeah, about a couple weeks ago, when i first got into my new school, i decided im going to pass highschool, i dont care what im gonna have to do, i mean theres no hw at my school, so its gonna be easy, but im saying even if i had to do hw, i would. So i was kind of proud of me for that one.

but yeah so im going to pass highschool, and im definately getting out of ND.

That's the spirit!!! My first two years in high school were very much like yours. I swore and all my teachers and my couseler swore that i was a lost cause was destined for the 5 year plan. I was hair away from dropping out, i was that much in the hole. But i decided that i was gonna do everything i could to graduate high school, be the first of my family's current generation to do so. I did summer school every single year, all 6 weeks of it, i did night school classes, i worked my ASS off! I ended my junior year with a 3.2, the first time i EVER did that. EVER. It was very hard to do, but it was worth it. In the end i graduated with my class, the Class of 2003. The gowns were purple, but i'll ya what man, i was never happier to wear purple! And this may sound cheesy, but when the pricipal handed me my diploma, all that hard work felt worth it.

So, the moral of the story is this: It's gonna be tough as hell, but trust me, graduating high school was the best thing i ever did, and i guaranDAMNtee you, you'll feel proud and happy for yourself, more than you ever had, and it's worth all the work. Remember that. And if you do that, i swear, i'll stop being Mr. Preachy.:D

The preceeding message was paid for by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.:loco:
Hahaha! Hay Trans! You should know this. What was the name of that guy who had the tape going around where he played the songs backwards to show that the devil was in all the music? He played Stairway to Heaven "My sweet Satan", Another one bites the Dust "It's fun to smoke marijuana" and a few others. It was funny as hell. Does anyone know the guy I'm talking about or I'm I the only one?
My eyes are burning, bells are ringing in my ears
Alarm clocks wailing, class bells screaming, I can't hear
A text book mad-house, twelve years
I'm here in a rage
A juveniles jail
And I'm here locked up in their cage

School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, my age is my crime
School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, I'm attending hell high

A blackboard jungle toed the line the rulers made
A homework hell-house screams at me
Make the grade
Tick tock, three o'clock, I'm sittin here and counting off the days
A firebell is ringin' hell and I'd sure love to see it blaze
Burn it down

School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, my age is my crime
School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, I'm attending hell high

I pledge no allegiance and I bet
They're gonna drive me crazy yet
Nobody here is understanding me
I pledge no allegiance and I bet
They're gonna drive me crazy yet
I'm dying here and trying to get free

School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, my age is my crime
School daze, school daze, I'm here doin' time
School daze, school daze, I'm attending hell high

Hehehe, the athem of highschool.
I was in an all boy highschool, with uniforms, fences and military parades once a week. I was refused to take my suitcase or pecilbag into most classes cause I had the Hysteria album cover painted on my schoolbag and a G'n'R patch on my pencilcase (badass), aaaagh schooldays, miss it. I recall this one time my friend and I planted a Pig's head on a poll in the middle of the assembly ground cause we were studying "The Lord of the Flies" they didn't know weather to expell us or praise us for actually reading the book, that was funny, anyways hang in there, school is those good times non of us wish to have over again.
I remember all that rock record burning shit in the 80's! Fukkin x-tians! I've always had extreme hatred for organized religon and now my country is becoming a theocracy
ran by capitalists and televangelists like Pat Robertson and it makes me sick to my stomach! But Droogie stay strong Brother! I graduated in 1987 and i was a metal
head loner too with very little friends. But when I got out of highschool I joined the
Army and I actually got to see what the real world is all about! I partied my ass off
from 18 to 20 while I was stationed in Germany! Here's the kicker droogie the drinking
age in most european countries is 16!!! And the women over there are beautiful and
of plenty! I tried college but working 10 to 12 hours a day in the Army and trying
to go to school just didn't work for me. I was a man that lived for recreation and I am
still that dude today!