how was wacken???

....but now it is :erk:
It was great again and I think everbody of us does have their own special moments to remember or whatever. I guess Laurie asked for how the Testament gig was though ;)
Marlies and I did only see half of the show due to some commitment to another band playing at the same time, but rest assured we got Steve's permission in advance, hehehe :D It was really amazing to see that huuuuuuge crowd and especially thinking about that gig in a small venue like Biebop just a week back made it almost feel unreal :cool:
You know where to find reviews and pics soon :)
here are two pics from the MP crew in Wacken btw:


There are two stories I wanna add here, cause I'm nut sure wether they will be in the official MP-report or not ...

first one:
On sunday morning, about 2 o'clock, I just returned from Sonata Arctica, and there were two bitch-like looking women passing by the place where there was a tent from friends of mine, who departed sometime after Slayer. On that tent, there was, since they arrived (tuesday night) a sign that said "Porno-Casting - ladies only".
Of course, noone expected any girl to come to that "casting", but as I said, the tent was gone and the guys too, and those two women stopped near us and said:
"Wasn't that here with the porno-casting???" and they meant it really
honestly ... well, we were laughing our ass off, and the two just went on ...

second one:
sunday morning after getting up (8 o'clock I suppose) there was a woman and her friend walking by.
She - still drunk it seemed - had a tin of beer in her hand, screamed
"WACKEEEEEEEEEEEN", opened the beer, spilled it over her head not drinking anything of it, said "best beer on earth", threw the empty tin away and went on ...
unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me ...

Well, at least I think it's funny ... ;)

I remember that tent on camground B. We camped near there on Monday and Tuesday before we moved to L. I just assume that they would have been frightened if some girls really came up and said she would apply for the casting :D :D

It happened when some drunk asked a friend of mine, if she would care for some loving with him, and when she said of course why not, he turned all red and found some excuse to run off :D

But in general, Wacken 2003 was great, the toilet and showers have improved a lot. And of course i met Marlies and Nico again which was one of the nicest things at Wacken of course!!! :hotjump:
This was the best Wacken of the 4 I've been to.

Best episode two friends of mine had. They were at the stage area waiting for a band to play when a big, troll like man with long blonde hair came around, carrying a dwarf under his arm! He stopped in front of my friends and gave one of them the dwarf. He was a bit surprised, but eventually handed the dwarf over to another person. He did the same, and the next too etc... Suddenly the giant got a bit upset and shouted out: "Give me back my dwarf!!!"

And if you wondered; I was the guy wearing the smallest girlie t-shirt with a purple "monster" on, and a sign which stated "flash your tits for Satan"...
thus his nick d(angerous)-nurse :D
And I won't even go into details what he does to me all the time....(sorry Marlies, but you have to get this man more under control ;) )